Leverage Whatever You've Got!

Last Update: February 09, 2011

I rarely, if ever written more than one post per week here, but today, at work, and what I experienced warrants it.  Employment is not only a means to being able to stay in a Membership like this...it's an incentive to work harder and more disciplinary than ever...to replace that income with far more lucrative means!

Seen But Not Heard

This was the gist of my post earlier this morning.  I've had this problem all my life...as a child, through school, at church, just about wherever I've been.  I see life in a unique way and sometimes what I say shocks people.

Not that I do it to shock people...it's just spontaneous for me.  I'm still learning how to be more discreet yet get the message across.

Today, at work, the Seen But Not Heard thing occurred...as it has many times in jobs.

I work in a Budget Car Rental franchise.  I've been there for a month now, after having answered an ad on Craigslist.  It shocked me how quickly I had gotten a response and to come in.

I get paid under the table...kind of an insecure situation, but whether or not being on the payroll, I don't think that would change very much.  Some argue that I need to push for money being taken out for Social Security...looking out for my future.  That's not how I want to plan my future.  Besides the point...

My experience today...

The district manager for Budget paid a visit to this facility.  Some of the tile floors, when I first arrived, were black...and that wasn't the tile color.  I decided I would do them a favor and clean them.  So I got on my hands and knees and scrubbed.

Some of this black still exists in a section I had not yet gotten to.  I was told to leave it as I said I would spend today doing it.  The owner of the franchise wanted to show the contrast to the district manager.

He said previously the tiles could not be cleaned.  Without knowing that, I proved him wrong.

I wanted to hear what he had to say when shown...but I had this funny feeling...

Here's this district manager...probably gets paid $60,000 per year.  He's dressed up neatly with a shirt and tie.  My boss introduces me to him.  My funny feelings were genuine.

Within two minutes standing with the owner of the franchise and this executive, the owner's wife comes up behind me and takes hold of my arm saying, "Daniel, come."  She led me to the door.  "Things are being discussed and you should not be there."  She was nice about it but I had a pit in my stomach.

Me...a car washer...having to be led away from this human being like he was some corporate God???  Who am I???  Yes...I'm the washer of cars and being near the district manager was a No-No!

OK.  This is getting long.  Sorry folks...my point...

Leverage Whatever You've Got!

I realize I have to potential to make in one day what that district manager makes in a year!  I firmly believe that!  Why do I know that?

Education...the right kind of education!

On an average day I make $32 per day.  No, that's not much.  It's for four hours of work each day.  Most people can't live on that.  I realize this.  But I'm in a situation where I can.  Do I enjoy luxurious living?  No.

It does  pay my rent and electricity for the month...with some left over.  That goes to WA, laundry and other things I need.  I have no car payments, no insurance, no health insurance, no automobiles...but what I do have I leverage.

Anything above and beyond that four hours that I get goes into a kitty (not a cat but set aside.)  As I said in my last post, I'm saving up for a one-year's subscription.  This will give me a little extra money to invest into something else.

I find money in these cars.  It goes into that kitty.  I found a dollar on the floor in the flea market...pennies in the car parks...forwarded to that kitty...

WA is the only remaining membership I'm in.  I had others but lost them.  The value here is unprecedented.

I leverage my time.  I feel I'm throwing away my time big time being in employment...but for now I have to trade it for money...the exact opposite that would be expected of someone aspiring to be an entrepreneur...but that's the cold hard reality.

The time I have left over is spent working out my problems and eliminating them.  The more I do, the less stress I have.  It's just another way to invest my time so I have more in the near future to restore my work here in WA.

Ways You You Can Leverage...

Clean Up that Clutter!  Things a bit messy?  Messes kill success!  This is very true!  Spend a little time cleaning it up and keeping it that way will help you leverage your time not having to look for things, giving you a much better outlook in life...making things healthier for you.

Treat Your Time as Priceless...because it is!  Money can be replaced.  Time cannot be saved, replaced or recovered once lost!  This is why I'm not for the employment scene...one of the biggest reasons!

Plan.  Yes, if you work, you have to do this around your employment.  Sometimes your plans can be interrupted by your job.  Mine was today.  The best you can do in this case is to mitigate what you have left and make the best use of it.  Planning is your alibi in getting the most out of your time!

Pay Attention to Details.  Yes...it's these little things that matter in life.  If you can't attend to them, get someone who can.  A stitch in time saves nine!  One of my big problems are all these little problems that have piled up on me.  I'm not able to function at optimum until I can resolve them.  Work at them every day until you get them gone!  Ignore them and procrastinate long enough and the sky will start falling!  Believe me...I know!

Okay...so I wound up with another long post. My apology.  I assure you it's shorter than The Million-Dollar Grunt and other.

I end with a question...

Would it truly be a contribution to the Membership if I created a tutorial on how, as working men and women, to make the very most of our time and get the most out of Wealthy Affiliate around our jobs?

I've written a book, Beyond Employment:  The Implications of Being Employed and What You Need to Know About Wage-Slavery.  I would take some of the concepts out of that book and condense them into a tutorial...about four or five pages long.  Despite what the title of this book says, it's not all negative and totally against employment.  This author realizes that employment has its place in business...and when it's expedient...it's there as a stepping stone.  For entrepreneurs-at-heart, it is a means to an end.  For most people however, it's an end in itself.  The book scrutinizes all the implications of being employed and why being in business...the right kind...is far better.

The title for the Tutorial would be, Wealthy Affiliate for the Working Person:  Leveraging What You Have to Your Advantage!

It would be devoted to this Membership and especially apply to it.  Your education is an investment.  It's not easy trying to get an education, work a day job, even two or three for some of us, and take care of our daily life's needs too.

I can point out ways to leverage what we have, even if these things are small.  Remember the details...

If I put out such a tutorial, would you read it and learn from it?  Comments?

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I'm working on the book. It has a little way to go yet. The book is not ready but it is one of my goals.

Article fodder? Yes, I guess you are right. I will probably use some of these writings in my first or second tier levels in my developing link wheel for my WA website. I would like to put the book on Amazon and possibly ClickBank. I would also like to get it in print as well but using POD. The motto I use is..."Helping You Rise Above Mediocrity." As for the alternative health website I work on, we use, "New Solutions for Old Problems," but we are thinking of renewing it to something different. I have three books going right now, one mentioned, one for alternative health and the other which teaches how to rise above herd mentality. I call that consumerism. All of my books are part of what I've named, "The Beyond Series." I most certainly have a lot of irons in the fire. Right now I'm still trying to get organized. I'm now just getting water piped to my camper and completed the piping today.
iw99 Premium
1. Where do I get that book from?
2. Yes you should do the tutorial
thesue Premium
I read this too. You have a WA blog post and article fodder right in this post.!
Labman_1 Premium
Sounds like a product that needs to be sold my friend. Perhaps your first Clickbank product?
hmdedeur Premium
Hi ! My buddy Frans Mahlong and I currently work for a health group of which the motto is " Excellence! Every Day! Every Way!" I think you can adopt that motto !! Great !!