Members...Sure-Fire Way to Leverage Your Money

Last Update: February 28, 2011

Today I reach a mile-marker worth writing about!

My Goal

Leverage off the extra hours I get from my job.  Take the income from this extra time over and above the regular four hours I give my employer every day and put it in a kitty.

The goal is raising $359.88 to submit in exchange for a yearly Membership here at Wealthy Affiliate University.

I'm Now Half Way There!

I counted up my money in the kitty.  I now have $180 plus a little change.  That's just over half way!


My purpose for doing this is perhaps most obvious, but I have more subtle reasons...

Save Money?

No.  Not the most important reason.

Employment is so fickle these days.  I wash automobiles for a living.  I'm very dispensable in this job and one wrong move could prove fatal for my income!

Yesterday was a stressful day for me!  Today was another one!  I'm not seeing eye-to-eye with my boss.  I had a new hole chewed in me today with him strongly asserting who the boss is and how dispensable I am at the few keystrokes of the keyboard in Craigslist!


It was a bad one today and I stood there near the car I was working on when my boss went inside the building and my head was reeling.

This is a VERY GOOD reason why I'm mustering my funds for this Membership.  I really thought this was going to be my last day.  I'm walking on thin ice and always walking on eggs!

"Do you like it here?"  My boss asked me just before I left.  Of course that demands a one-way door answer.  Of course it comes with an expected answer.  I had to answer accordingly or it would have been my last day.

I'm in that job essentially for two until I can get myself going in MI (Today is a vivid reminder that I really need to get busy with it!) It's also providing me the resources I need to make my Membership here a yearly one.

There is just too much opportunity here to risk going from month-to-month.  If I can hold out until I come up with the other half I will be happy!

Whilst I had good reason for my harrowing experiences, it's not always the case with employment.  Loss of income can happen without warning and for the silliest things!

One Wrong Word or Deed...Poof!  Bye-Bye $$$

Today was a vivid reminder of where I am in life and that to my boss, I'm good for nothing more than washing his cars.  We have been down the road already that I'm purportedly making more than he is.  He really thinks I'm that gullible to believe that.

It's that fear factor thing...stay in line...or else!

I've had plenty of experience with this!  Many of us have!  It's a VERY good reason to assert your independence by learning Internet marketing and not being so dependent on such shaky income resources as employment these days!

This is the prime reason, holding higher priority as to why I am saving up for the Yearly Subscription Plan!  It behooves anyone who has a job with uncertainty attached to it to safeguard his or her place in the Membership for a year.

  • You do save money in the long run.  The ability to delay gratification pays out greatly here in more ways than just saving money!
  • There's no monthly payments to stress many times have I written in the Forum, etc that I thought I was about to lose my Membership because I did not have the funds that month???
  • You have more flexibility in raising the money for the next year's subscription.  You have an entire year to do this!
  • There is extremely high potential for most people here at WA to succeed.
  • Can you really afford to be without WA? I realize Wealthy Affiliate is not the only opportunity out there, but for the money it is one of the best places to get educated and comes with several great opportunities to boot!
  • There's no public assistance should you lose your job to support your Membership like you would have in maintaining rent, house payments, food, etc. (Not promoting the entitlement mentality, but these resources are there for emergency situations)
  • If you lost your job, sure, you would have to find new means to support your basic life's needs, but you would still have your Membership to work in!  You won't be spending all your conscious time job hunting!
  • The wisdom in pursuing the yearly rate is worth much more than you may be thinking!

This is one of the points I would like to put in my upcoming tutorial for Working Class Members here in Wealthy Affiliate.  Saving up and submitting the funds for a yearly subscription is an investment.  It's no different (but much less costly) than a regular education with classroom settings and tuition.

What matters most is that what is here works and another thing that bears no difference whether you are in a brick and mortar educational institution or here at Wealthy Affiliate University is YOU.  YOU are the one who makes it work.  Both of these sources of education supply the tools for you to use and learn from.

Hope this helps!

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I was just talking to my mentor about these things. I'm putting up with this behavior because the job itself has circumstances about it that I wouldn't be able to find easily in another job situation. Not saying that such doesn't exist, just that it wouldn't be easy. The guy is a bovine. He's very shallow and controlling. There's no question about it. Today was a HORRIBLE day! It's really great that I have my mentor right here nearby. This guy is the owner of a Budget Car Rental franchise. It's a family operation. For your question Josh, his website is a corporate. I've already been down that road. And no...I do not want to have anymore to do with him than I already have to. I'm working for a power freak. But the job itself allows time for me most days from noon on to do things I need to do. It's close by. I only have a bicycle to get around with. You are saying pretty much the same thing my mentor has said. The guy is treating me like a mere car washer rather than a human being. I have to look above this and keep my eyes on the goal. This job situation is just a step. Like I said before...It's a means to an end...not an end in itself. For the direction I'm going in life, it will serve its purpose. I get positive support from my cherished friend here and from this Membership! It offsets the negativity I have to endure there.
iw99 Premium
You might also consider looking for another job. For a superviser to say how easily you can be replaced and how dispensible you are with a few keystrokes on Craigslist at the very least borders on abusive behaviour if not crossing the line to a form of psychological harassment - aka workplace bullying
muskyblood Premium
Hang in there Daniel. Maybe you should see if he has a website, and if you can do some local SEO stuff for him for some additional funds.