My First GoPro Video...

Last Update: May 20, 2012
It's still in the oven...going direct from the camera to YouTube. It is my first time with YouTube as well, so things might not come out very well.

Sound will be an issue but I think GoPro has an answer for this. I shot two videos. The first one I'm going to post. I go to church, and the effects the camera made inside the building is quite impressive.

On the way home I decided to try "Burst Mode." Too bad. On the way home someone's cows got loose and were grazing on a nice lawn alongside of Temple Terrace Hwy.

I still have to read up on how to do some of these other things. I need to tilt the camera to the left. I tend to look at the world with my head tilted, so I need to adjust for that. by tipping the strap a bit on my head.

In 22 minutes from this time the video will be live...

Slow...couldn't wait, uploading to YouTube directly from the camera instead of on the HDD, Getting used to all this new stuff. Lost one good video for not knowing how to set the camera.

I'm ready to give my landlord my Nikon 2600 camera...had since 2004, still kinda like new...taken thousands of shots in its lifetime. This will give him a good camera to use for his fliers.

92% uploaded...

Well, can't embed the video here...used to be able to.

This is a shot from the video.  The first thing I came on to with the GoPro camera.  A car fire on Interstate 75 as I was on my way to church.

Click on the image to view the video..

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Labman_1 Premium
Liked your video Daniel, I'm sure that as you gain more experience with it you will figure out the burst mode and the sound issues as well as the HD. I expect you have checked out the vids that Jay posted the other day (Super long slide, bikes into the lake etc.) Try to get a feel for his style and see how you might raise the energy of yours. People have a notoriously short attention span these days.

BTW, How about posting your site in your profile so people can actually purchase from you if they need one of these cameras. I'm thinking SAR dog cam might be a good enhancement to some of my projects.
magistudio Premium Plus
Here is the YT channel you speak of..
Labman_1 Premium
Thanks Jay, I couldn't find it.
I live just about three miles from Busch Gardens and considered purchasing a yearly ticket. It's a start with the camera. Otherwise there's riding around on a scooter.

I have not seen Jay's videos. I will have to go and look them up. I want to go back to Key West.
Adi2008 Premium
Hey Daniel, do you have any more GoPro videos to share? I'm looking forward to your next upload!
I felt I needed to step back for a few days. I need to get back into it. It won't be long and I will be having search for a job again. I've really been spinning wheels lately.
This last week I have been distraught over the cannibal incident. Admittedly, this has largely effected my work momentarily. My thoughts are not solely on that, but the condition of humanity and the contrasts. My mind just goes on the things I saw, and the causes that may have led to it. I'm very conscientious and things that don't make sense to me really becomes a stake. As things settle, I will be back at it. I have been proposing ways of using the camera in my campaigns.
Adi2008 Premium
Nice first demo of the Go Pro cam. As this is a HD cam I was expecting to see HD footage on Youtube, but there was no option in "Change Quality" to watch in 720HD or 1080HD. Something to check, but a good test video. Look forward to more soon!
(p.s Your video lost audio from 5:02)
It lost audio because YouTube has a sync problem with mp4 and another type of file. I have a lot to learn about the camera and how to get hd. I'm just now getting the feel of it and basic operation. Videos will get better as I experiment with it. I just took for a swim in the pool. It didn't stay on my head when I dived in. Well, probably a different strap for that. There's a way to fix the sound. I just haven't gotten that far yet and when I figure out how to mix sound with video, I will have music to it. I knew the sound would screw up because YouTube shew an error message during upload.
I read that, by default, the GoPro sets the cameras to normal mode. I awoke from a long sleep after grouting stonework in a bathroom and got nothing on the computer done today. Anyway, I learned how to get to the hd settings. I believe 1080hd is the highest setting. It also has a setting to minimize the fish-eye effect. I'm going to purchase the flat lens and a chest harness. There are so many accessories for this camera, you could cover a 4'x8' piece of plywood if you laid them out...literally!

I noticed, even in normal mode with this camera, looking at the sidewalk or painted lines on the roads, you could see an ant if you stilled the picture! It does extremely well in outdoor lighting in motion, but inside, I notice it does blur.

I will be checking out the speeds in the camera but have not yet.
Adi2008 Premium
Daniel: "There are so many accessories for this camera"
= lots of opportunities as an affiliate marketer of GoPro cams!
A great plus for this camera that hasn't always been true...a much more expanded instruction book. The menu system is not as horrible as I have read...actually pretty easy to navigate through...if the instructions are read! Otherwise one would easily get lost. Not long ago, people had valid complaints over this issue, but now it's mostly people who are not reading them.
magistudio Premium Plus
4:36.. You blasted through a stop sign! ;)

It was actually my boys who noticed that.. lol
Cool video dude! I get to call you dude now that you have a GoPro! :D
Adi2008 Premium
Were you a traffic officer in a previous life lol!
It was a rolling stop lol. Such as we may learn from kids. They come up with things we we've forgotten about since Kindergarten. Yes, for some, that means running stop signs.
clouiter Premium
I enjoyed the vid. It felt like I was actually driving. lol
There's a particular bike-racing course (I forget where or what, but the track is visually striking. It has seen its share of crashes...with the GoPro coming out of it without a scratch...or even scrambling that occurs with other cameras. In all videos I've seen with crashes, other than spinning, etc, the camera shows no signs of video disruption.