My Visit to Every Day Is Saturday

Last Update: May 16, 2011

I realize I should be working on my projects.  I've gotten that criticism for being in my WA Space and Forum too much.  Albeit, this is a need for me.  It keeps me alive in this.  You may not understand, but it's true...for me.

I was a member at Sam Crowley's EveryDayIsSaturday program.  All I can say is it is one hell of a program!  It's not Internet marketing but it is another facet needed in becoming an entrepreneur!  This Membership program was the number one source of inspiration for me as I struggled day by day at the work place where I hated being.

I was in that forum this evening and I wish to share what I wrote there.

Someone asked, "How can I keep the negative talk at work from bringing me down and ruining my morale insofar as becoming an entrepreneur?  I had to put my mind to this one...

In the EDIS Forum...

Daniel here.

One thing, off the bat, is that I've not been here in awhile and so please forgive if perhaps I'm barging in here.  I've become so infatuated with this topic that I wrote an entire book on it.  It's about 95% completed.  Of all of Sam's discourses, this is the one that really hit home with me.  As I once said before, I had the feelings.  I knew something wasn't right about the employment world.  All I knew was, in spite of so many people telling to that I had a "bad attitude" about work and always had problems holding down a job, that somehow, this was a pretty messed-up way to have to live...ripping myself away from my home every single day and wearing myself out to the bone on someone else's terms.  For many years I knew something was very phony about this lifestyle...but I continued...because I thought I was supposed to.

Yes, kind folks here at EDIS, Daniel is still around.  He may be struggling and has not yet shown much in the way of true financial independence...but he's still cracking at it!

The question was asked, "How do I deal with the employee mentality around my job?  I'm caged up with these walking zombies that have nothing better to do than to play the politicks, gossip and wish for their little splats of off-time. 

7 Tips to Surviving the Work Day...Every Day!

1.  Have an mp3 player and can have this at work?  Take it along every day.  Pump those podcasts into you every time you can.  I'm talking the podcasts Sam has made.  These will definitely counteract the relentless siege of negativity that seeks to devour anything that looks different!

2.  Leave the slumbering sheep be.  They're too tired to venture out of the fold...and too scared too.  You're a black sheep and that's what makes you different.  Note that most of these zoning sheep do not want to be awoken?  Don't. It's not worth the naysaying you will get for your trying.

3.  Do you watch a lot of television, read the newspaper in your easy chair?  Cut that down...way down...and spend that time educating yourself with the things that really matter...your freedom and independence.  After're not a New Year's Resolutionist are you?  No!  You're here and this tells me you're not!  You've weighed these things in the balance with education that will set you free...make every day a Saturday!

4.  This goes without saying, but saying it anyway.  Don't partake in the gossip, the small think, the complaining about this and that in your job, the entitlements that may be due you.  Why?  What's the use of having those stupid stars stuck next to your name on that performance chart?  How does this have to do with those stick-on stars?  It's all grade-school stuff...  You're beyond all that.  Do your job.  Give them what you are there to give them.  Deep inside you are disengaged with your job.  Concentrate on that hidden treasure you know about.  The negative stuff will have a much harder time penetrating this armour you have on.

5.  This leads to the ultimate thing:  You have a goal in front of you.  Depending on where you are, you must do one single thing.  If you don't, you will never get where you need to go.  What's that?  Well I will tell you what you need NOT to do...and that is get tangled up in the process.  Prospective gymnast #1  awakens to the morning when she is to get to the gym for her first work-out.  It's rainy, cold...the linoleum floor is cold on the feet.  The bed is just too warm and cozy.  Who wants to get out in the nasty rain???  Prospective gymnast #2 awakens to the morning when she is to get to the gym for her first work-out.  It's rainy, cold...and the linoleum floor is cold on the feet.  Who wants to get out in the nasty rain???  Why Prospective Gymnast does because she's not going to let the process bring her down.  She has her eye on that matter how far away it matter what the weather...not matter the adversity and pain.  Furthermore, she knows failure to take that first step equates to procrastination!  Your trip through the work-day is part of the process.  Look through it...past it...beyond the goal.  Your eye on that goal and the fire darts of employee talk will hit you but it will bounce off you.

6.  Gain your time back!  Sacrifice by downgrading if it means gaining time.  This will enable you to negotiate less hours in the work day if you can swing that with your company and your economics.  There are countless ways you can do this.  Get more out of less!  We know that time is the most valuable commodity God has given us!  The education you can fill that time with is far more valuable than the piddly compensation you will get from that company!  By the equates to less time spent in the same cage with morons who have no idea what to do with their lives than to cry their employee tears on one another!

7.  See employment for what it is...a human domestication program!  Did you know that those who think for themselves are very dangerous to employers?  That's right!  Employers want people who can't think...or are too lazy to!  They're far easier to control!  Respect your superiors because that is your reasonable service whilst you are under the business relationship you are in with your company...but do NOT let them, by any means. dumb you down!

That's it...a tiny sampling from my book.  I've got to get back to my project.  This has been a real source of inspiration to me when I was here.  I've been out of a job since February of 2010.  I'm still struggling very badly...but you know what?  Not giving up...because one day, I will reach the goal over yonder!

Hope it helped!
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I'm on it Labman! Wow. It took me a day just to read over one-third of my own book! Golly that thing has gotten long! I've also been revamping another campaign, so I can merge these two things. It took me awhile to get it to take a different theme.
Labman_1 Premium
Daniel, Nice stuff there. OK friend, its time to get that 5% that is left on your product done and get it out there. No procrastination now. Git er done.