Negativity Kills Success!

Last Update: May 31, 2011

I'm going to lay myself out here as an open example as to why I don't find the kind of success I've been looking for.

For me, at this stage in my life...I'm hoping it's not too late.

As for you, whoever you are, that suffers from seeing life in pessimistic or negative ways, get yourself turned around as fast as you can!  Don't wait until you are old like I am.

What Does Negativity Do For You?

This is where I lay myself I can flash this warning and hopefully turn even a single person in this membership away from negativity.

  • It makes people sad.
  • It poisons others around you.

  • It makes others not want to be around you.
  • It closes the door to opportunity.
  • It bars the afflicted person from anything nice.

  • It ruins partnerships (It's happened to me three times now.)
  • People can sense it before you even get near them
  • Lots more...but you get the drift...

What Has Negativity Done For Me?

Very short here...

It has left me empty, lost, destitute, friendless, hated, avoided, moneyless, jobless, stranded, and that's not all.  You get the picture.

Don't let this happen to YOU!

Too Late for Me?

Unfortunately seeing the light in all this coming in such an untimely moment, has slammed shut every door to opportunity I've come into.  Even here in this Membership, I'm being avoided like the plague by most people here.  I don't blame anyone but myself.

I have a lot of work to do!

I realize my writing here in the Membership has been helpful but it is also filled with abject negativity.  It is a problem I recognize and am working to fix because it is seriously jeopardizing my likelihood to becoming successful in what I'm trying to do.

I have had opportunities that started off great...and ended with people telling me they don't want to hear about my problems...and have cut off communications...or nearly so.

After so many times...I still have not learned to keep my personal issues away from partners who have been so gracious in inviting me to JV partnerships.

These are some of the best people you would ever have the opportunity to partner with!

At this point, I feel like I'm dead and awaiting my burial.  But, in a positive light, I'm still physically alive and whilst I can still move, I've not given up.

As For You...

Heed my warnings you (however few there be) who carry a negative attitude into places like here and in the Internet marketing scene altogether.

You will not be least, not for long. This is all just a matter of how it is in the entrepreneurial world.

Do everything...I mean ANYTHING in your power to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.  Do it now before it gets too ingrained in you!

If you have negative thoughts...KEEP THEM TO YOURSELF! And then...

GET RID OF THEM!!!   They WILL hurt you, not help you!

If you have to air them, make sure it is a trusted friend who is willing to help you with the negativity.

After three times now...I have not learned this lesson.

I can get on my knees and plead not to lose my current partnership.  It has deteriorated because I've violated every rule in the how to deal properly with a partnership...or any healthy human relationship for that matter.


  • It's not too late
  • If it is, learn from it and move on.

For All You Negative People Out There...Whomever...

I have something for you.  It's not much but let me tell you a bit about it...

In 2004, when I first discovered the Internet marketing world, I subscribed to several ezines and newsletters.  These early newsletters are now a permanent part of my Journal.  They're there because they represent an important development in my life.

Near the end of that year I lost my home.  Everything went with it...including my Internet connection and all my subscriptions.  It's something I'm fighting to keep from repeating these days.

Amongst these are a number of them on old floppy disks I've worked hard to retrieve data from.  As many of you probably have discovered about floppies...they deteriorate.  Out of about 300 disks that I have (all from 2004 and earlier) only two or three will still open properly without having to use data retrieval software.

On one of them was a fragment from a newsletter, "Positive Thoughts Can Change Your Life!"  This is the name of the newsletter.  Buried in my vast hard drive, in a directory I've carried with me from computer to computer, I found the run from that subscription almost in its entirety.  I stopped trying to piece together the fragments from the floppy.

Out of curiosity I followed links from these old e-mails...

The website still exists, though with a new look, still very much the same as it had been.  I subscribed immediately!  It is a little haven I can go to in the morning.

There's two newsletters here, both are very short but helpful:

  1. Free Positive Thought
  2. WordMail

They don't run daily as they once did (that I know of) but they do run often.

Send Those Demons Out of You!

If you even suspect you look at life pessimistically, or entertain negative thoughts. I'm putting this here for you.

I get no compensation in any way for this...  This is sheer just to help anyone who needs it with what I've got here.

Even if you are a optimistic person, subscribing to this newsletter is very up-lifting!

For more Bible-based up-lifting, Please go to WordMail

Again, I want to stress the fact that these are NOT affiliate-based.  I do not get compensated for this.  Both of these newsletters come from the same outfit.

Where I am in life, I firmly believe, is almost wholly due to chronic pessimism on my part.  Negativity kills success!

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jatdebeaune Premium
Daniel, Let go of the crap. You think way too much. Just go to work instead, as Jimmy suggests. Jimmy, is that an Adsense site? Good job. Is "cooker" British for stove?
muskyblood Premium
Second Hand Hookers... Is that a niche? LMAOOOOO... That is good stuff.

@Daniel - I have no great advice for you. Just try to be positive, and see if you can't capitalize on the skills you have... Sincerely pulling for you. Josh
magistudio Premium Plus
@jimmywrex - Well said Jimmy!

When I saw your domain, I thought it was!!! ROTFL

Had to take a second look.. and realized it said 'cookers' and not 'hookers'! LOL
Labman_1 Premium
I don't know about others Daniel but I'm following along. Keep those daily affirmations going if you make them part of your "mind tapes" they will make a difference. Repeat them often.
jimmywrex Premium
Here's a thought . . . wouldn't it make an awsome story if you pulled yourself out of this negitivity and started kicking some ass? There's no reason you couldn't be bringing in an extra $1K p/m if you started putting in some solid IM hours. Build a site, aim for some late buying cycle kwds in a horrible "hair on fire" niche. Backlink the living crap out of it and dont stop 'till you rank and make some sales or adsense revenue. OR . . . look at this crappy site: - I just sold it for $405. Are you telling me you couldn't make and rank 5 of those per month? That's over $2000 p/m. Make a pact with yourself: My next forum post will say: "1st $500 month" or "1st $1000 month" - whatever level you're at. You are the only thing standing in your way. It's decent of you to try to help and motivate others by posting this, but if you *REALLY* want to help people, *PROVE* to them that success is possible by kicking some ass right now. Cheers, Jimmy (p.s. the pep talk was for me as much as it was for you).