New Post and Fix Bad Article

Last Update: April 27, 2012

I've decided not to link the rejected article to the landing page, but to a new post I had created this morning specifically for the article, making less chances of being rejected again, not only for blatant promoting, but to be sure the content is relevant on both ends.

The post has been written and article corrected and resent to Street Articles. Before having done this, I reviewed the Street's blog post on forming these links and what I did wrong.

There are a few very minor issues left before moving on. The one thing I need to do is automate social media as instructed in the Course.

I will need to write another article for the landing page to replace the repurposed.

I realize it takes time to rank after doing something to content, I've checked the SERPs anyway. Still not showing in 707 places (that's when the notice of content duplication comes up at the bottom of that SERPs.) Some of the content on the front page is duplicate (such as the stats.) The rest besides, is original. There are some really awful and void websites that are ranking before mine...perhaps hundreds. I've made a lot of changes yesterday. I hope this effects the ranking!

Article rejected AGAIN??? Whew! I forgot to refresh that page. It is still pending...


I have a general question about the content of an article in general:

I have been shying away from directly talking about the GoPro cameras in my articles, to be submitted to directories, I'm promoting and sticking to factual information about photography and sports cameras in general. I've been around Street Articles a bit and straight way, found an article directly talking about learning the Ukulele a with software product (by name.) Is this okay? I really don't dare discussing a GoPro camera and then have links for it below (even in naturally-occuring, not stinted, text links...and having it rejected for being promotional. Do I need to stick to, say for example, write an article on "underwater camera lighting" (this is the one that flopped because of bad link choices) and not a particular (Prime SCUBA LED Underwater Light System?)

I found this at the bottom of one of the articles I looked at:

With so much on offer with “Beatniks Speak Ukulele 2 Course” it may prove a solid investment saving you a lot of money from expensive one-on-one lessons but doing the same job The link is in quotation marks. I see I actually inadvertently mentioned the GoPro HD Hero Camera in my first article. My thought about this is that it would be okay but not hyper linked...but it passed that way.

The error messages reports the option of rewriting the content, but mainly bad links.


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