New Year's Resolutions?

Last Update: January 03, 2011

I have made some changes in my life.  I've, in a very strong sense, picked up where I left off when I left this old camper.  I went to church yesterday and I've gotten a lot of "Congratulations for your New Year's Resolutions!"

I appreciate the sentiments, but none of these are New Year's Resolutions.  I made plans and carried them out...and it happened to be at the first of the year.  I had no thoughts whatsoever about New Year's Resolutions.  Why?

Very basically, resolutions of any kind should not be limited to being carried out at this time of the year.  If something needs to be done, begin right where you are right now!

Do NOT wait until the first of the year to start it.  Far too many people want to set these things up in the future (usually in the last quarter of the year) but the big problem with this is, by the time the New Year comes around, people lose focus in what they proposed, and in many cases, even forget about them.  Very often, when the New Year comes around, the excitement and novelty of the proposal has waned.  If the resolution  has been started at all, it is now a half-hearted endeavor.  Very often...too often...New Year's Resolutions have a life of about six weeks.  A few people who make 'em, achieve the goal.

Setting up New Year's Resolutions (in my book) is nothing more than another instance of procrastination.  'Nouf said!

So Now I'm Back in Florida

As mentioned above, I'm now picking up where I left off here.  The trip to Ohio has had a big impact on the direction I'm now going.  My thoughts when leaving here back in April were to get to the point where I was making all of my income from the Internet...and drive back here in a nice car.

Instead, I found that I was not anywhere near proficient enough to even begin to make sales.  To this day I have no idea where that one sale I got here came from.

To my disappointment, almost nine months went by in Ohio...with all of my waking hours spent on this effort bombed!  I learned blueprints, attended those Clubs and the WABinars.  I still have nothing to show for that trip.  I, in fact, blackened my name there because it appeared I was taking advantage of the disabled person who took me in.  It was totally understood between us that this is what I was going to be doing.

His family and neighbors did not see it that way.  The latter part of that trip turned to sheer hell.  There were also a lot of things undisclosed to me that I found when I got there.  None of it lent anything to my progress.  I had to block all of it out.

2010 was a year of education.  It was also a year of disappointments

Instead of the prosperity I was looking for, I'm now plunged into deeper impoverishment.  But we must take the best of whatever situation we find ourselves in.

This morning I awoke and the first thing I felt was a knot in my am I going to come up with the rent I'm already behind with?  How long will it be before I'm asked to leave here?  Two leads have already fallen through on me.  My landlord is already getting antsy. 

Different Perspectives...

Now I have the blueprints.  The education from Jay alone is nothing short of astounding!

I know what the problems are with my writing now.

Going back into a job will not seem so much like an endless tunnel.  It's unfortunate it came down to this, but being employed is imperative.  It won't be pretty either.  I've never gotten very far with anything more than janitorial work or unskilled labor.  My early development has wreaked havoc with this, and unfortunately my catching up with life skills has only occurred during the last five years...due to inability to get along with shallow people, I'm stuck being caged up with them once again.

But today I have far more potential than I've ever had.  They are not marketable in the employment world, but they are in the entrepreneurial world.  I have my best books right next to my bed.

I'm in no wise giving up.  Things may go down to a crawl, but I have direction now.  I know where exactly I'm going now that I have the maps.

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Yes, I'm still here, but I don't know for how long. That's been a constant battle. I'm going to go back into the book I wrote and take some pointers out of it. For you, myself, and anyone else who has to go back into a job or is already in one, there's definitely things you can do to make the best use of your time. For some reason I have two accounts at WA. I don't know what is happening but Support pointed out that I had both a monthly and a yearly account going. Either there is a mistake or someone has helped me out here and not told me. I kind of hope it's the latter, and if it is, a great big thank you to whoever got me in for a year! But most likely, it's an error.
prinker Premium

I'm glad to see you're still here; I was wondering. I still have not yet made a sale either and am looking for a "job" once again myself, but plan to keep doing im and wa in my spare time.

Happy 2011 to us all and wishing everyone success in their endeavors.