Proposing My First Video!

Last Update: March 10, 2011

In my archive of music throughout the ages, I found a song from 1927 that will fit my sentiments!  It has the very words said by many a working man as he struggles through the week to get to the weekends...only to feel the dread of the coming Monday during the weekend!

The song has just enough  vocal in the middle of it to lead up to it with scenes of the work week...and the repeating routine.  It will have fade-ins and fade-outs of the alarm clock.

The sequence will run...and then it will run with the vocals of the song.  Then during the instrumental after it the sequence will go by again...and again...and again, each time going faster and faster...until. there is a BOOM!

During the piano accompaniment, a new scene will pop up!  Mediocrity?  Is there anything out there besides this misery?  YES!  There is!  Come to and I can point the WAY...Wealthy Affiliate!

Today I'm going to try to get my bovine to observe my website the way it is.  I will be working on this in the meantime and get it out there on YouTube!  It will be about three minutes long.

I awoke to the sequence of songs playing and it suddenly awoke me at 4:15.  I got up and replayed the song (which had passed into Maggie Murphy's Home and then another song.)  The song's title is, "So Alone on Monday."  It is something to that effect.

I'm excited about this!  It will be a hodgepodge of stuff that is already out there and will use a Snoopy and his work-week sequence as well to fortify the message and that there IS and answer to it!

Well, it's that time.  Another day, as the working man puts it..."Another day in Paradise!"

Short and sweet, this is it for now.  See?  I can write short things too!

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