Psychologically Unemployable

Last Update: February 04, 2011

No.  This is not a mental illness.  However, it does cause conflict in life for those who have it.  How do you know you have it?

  • Do you watch the clock when you are at work?
  • Do you find yourself waking up all night looking at the alarm clock to see how much sleep you have left?
  • Do you dread your job?
  • Do you find yourself cramming just as much possible into your "off" time that you can?
  • Does the thought about your job cause anxiety?
  • Do you find yourself in a compromised situation in your job?
  • Do you know the real value of time and feel shafted by your employer?

The Clock Watcher

Whilst there can be any number of reasons why we watch the clock at work, the most common reason is simply we'd rather be someplace else than the mundane job we are doing every day.

For most people, living life on our own terms is a luxury and is replaced by living life on our employer's terms.  Many of us know this and clock-watching is like looking through the bars of a prison cell.

Adding to this condition, what happens during your night's sleep?

Do you find yourself awaking and finding, 1 am, 2 am, 3 am, etc?  Subconsciously you dread that alarm going off and it is interrupting your sleep.  You find yourself wide awake at about 4:30 (I do) but when that time comes and you must get up, you are tired and having not had a full night's sleep.

We move into the next point here:

Do You Dread Your Job?

Face it...some of us hate being told what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and no particular reason but that you are to do it.

Do you have a bovine boss?  Did you know that the Swiss, or Scandinavian word for "BOSS" means bovine...or bull?  The point is here, you have a bull-headed boss to work for and it's "No Boss," and ""Yes Boss," and even when you are not in the wrong..."Sorry Boss."

I realize our bosses are also human but somewhere along the line, the human aspect gets lost and it turns out Beast and Master.

You are expected to make your job the very center of your life...and if you don't...there's the door.

The sheer boredom of doing the job in your position can be enough to drive anyone crazy...perhaps I'm insane because I keep doing the same thing in life that produces the same results...

  • Just getting by
  • Working horribly boring jobs
  • Making tiny paychecks
  • Trading my valuable time for pennies on the dollar
  • Subjecting myself to voluntary incarceration
  • This list could go on to one-hundred other points...literally!

What Psychologically Unemployable Does NOT Mean:

Work and employment are not the same thing.  Employment is only an organized form of labor...contracted labor if you will.  It is a business relationship where you trade your hours for a company's dollars.

Not wanting to be in employment does NOT mean you are a lazy bum!  However, many who have "employee mentality" often do not know the difference and will tell you that you don't want to work (because of laziness) completely discounting the fact that you'd rather be doing Internet marketing...and they can't tell the difference between that and playing video games on the computer.

As stated above...being psychologically unemployable does not mean you have a mental or emotional disorder.

It simply means that you recognize there is better you can do with your life, your time, your everything in life than to be wasting it in an underpaid, under-valued job somewhere, doing something you disdain and feeling trapped.

This is called "Wage Slavery."  It happens when we get to a point in our lives where we find it expedient to take on a job...sometimes a pitifully-low-paying job just to "survive."

Routine Everything!

Unfortunately this is the life of a working man.  Live a highly routinized life.  Everything you do revolves around the job.  The entire priority is backward and totally against the grain of someone who is psychologically unemployable...simply meaning...entrepreneur-at-heart.

There you have it.  If you are an entrepreneur, I wager you are also psychologically unemployable.  There's nothing wrong with this...except that you are not living your life in your own terms.

This is where it is going to take a lot of discipline on your part.  You have access to the key right in front of you!

Yes...Wealthy Affiliate...and Internet marketing.

Unfortunately, all that has to revolve around your job as well.  You will need to sacrifice some of your pleasures in order to get more benefit out of your membership.  It's not easy trying to go to work every day and cram all the rest of your life's needs into the remaining time...and then do the work here at WA.

Your life is highly routinized and the only way out is to routinize everything...including when you do your work here and in your Internet marketing.  It needs to be planned out and executed.

I've failed at this so far.  But I know what I need to do.

Wealthy Affiliate even comes equipped with a task-and-goals planner built right in!  How convenient that is!  Right here in the Member's area.  Put it to use.  Do some sacrificing and make every second count.  Have patience and be determined.

If you are anything like hate being jerked around by some BOSS who thinks his employment should be the very center of your life.

It's now time to get ready for work so I must end this post here.

This Post Not Meant to Be Negative

Added a day later:

I felt the need to add this point in this post...even though nobody has read it. I realize negativity is one of the reasons people do not read my posts and I want to take care to add this...

I realize that employment is expedient in our lives sometimes.  When not proficient enough yet to derive income from more honorable sources, employment is the next logical step.

Employment therefore, is a stepping stone.  It is a means to an end...not an end in itself.  I have to continually remember that my employment will not be forever.

Employment also creates the incentive to get things done outside of it...which means it is just another reason to want to get after the Internet marketing route and get those campaigns up and running.

This post is meant to be an encouragement for those who hate their jobs and know there are better ways to derive income.  So please take my writing here as a positive, not a negative on my part.  That's what it's meant for.

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