Reaching New Milestone: A Success Story!

Last Update: October 08, 2011

This is a success story.  No, I'm not making any sales yet but I am discovering and implementing new things I've learned in the last year.  Much of this learning began as a result of being in this Membership and having connected with the right people, including Dr. John Benitez, hypnotherapist.  This is my story today...

Thanks Again WA Membership!

Again, I want to thank WA for the wonderful support from the Membership.  I do have special needs and am missing vital components needed for being successful in dealing with any kind of marketing.  Things at Kathy's did get resolved but her boyfriend took advantage of me.  The kind of issues I am dealing with, people with the mind of a pirate (best way to describe it) and not being able to stand up for myself.  It's why I've lost so many jobs and opportunities.  It's way time to find out what is making me so vulnerable and a target for certain people.

Excellence in salesmanship (in any kind of selling and marketing) comes from learning about difficult people and how to get into their subconscious mind.  I not only came to the root of my own difficulties by going on that trip, I now have tools to get the kind of correction I need for myself.

The important thing that came from that trip was that I was forced to face the same fears I had as a child and throughout my adult years.  From here I could plainly see the defects in my own personality.  There is no putting the blame on anyone or anything.  They're by-gone.  I have learned a lot about myself and saw the flaws in action in how I dealt with Mike's hard skepticism about me.

I would not have been able to see any of this had I not been in communications with the right kind of at WA and a small few in my local area.

Why I Can't Relate with My Family Members

I had no social support of any kind from my family.  (Is this surprising???)  They want to love me and have me love them back...but be silent.  Can't do that. It just bottles stuff up.  

I'm not perfect...and will never be...we must strive...

When I was young and didn't watch television anywhere near as much as the rest of my family.  I've always had an inquisitive mind, and explored the world around me.

I'm dead broke, but wealthy inside.  I have to thank the Lord that the pursuit of excellence is for anyone who seeks it.  One of my sisters found the right husband and has learned how to shut out negativity of any kind.  That always included my own social challenges.  My other sister lives with a pirate...and has learned that.  This pursuit has taken me into some of the strangest places and lived my life in ways that most people won't.  I'm not here to see how "good" I can get, but how can I equip myself to be an asset to humanity and do what I can to improve lives?

The stuff I've been getting into is vastly helping me understand, not only myself, but how people are wired.  This is extremely important in any marketing.  People who understand this have an "unfair" advantage over those who do not.

It's these kind of people I've had all kinds of problems dealing with throughout my life due to my tendency to avoid confrontation and ridicule.  My solution has always been to run.  It's deep-seated  but can be corrected. 

This is very serious business because it is exactly why I'm not performing very well with any kind of marketing...any kind of selling myself.  The very sad thing is that I have found everyone in my family with serious issues in their own ways due to our parents.  They affected us each in different ways.

Fear took over in my life and it is how I lost my true identity.  When I had my spirit beat out of me, it snowed me under and I became pretty much useless to most people.  It caused all kinds of other issues in me over time.

Over the last year I have been trying to break this wall down.  I believe once I break through, I won't know what to do with the wide-open spaces.  Surely I'm trying to replace all this with productive things.

Today I'm back in Florida, in my camper.  I live very close to my mentor.  I think things will grow from here and the poverty will be a thing of the past as I peel off layers of conditioning.

Had I Not Taken the Road I've Taken...

I could have conformed and did what the rest of my brothers and sisters did, instead of spending my time collecting rocks and minerals and learning about the natural world around me even at six years of age.  I might have been able to have a better relationship with my family...and be just as sociable.  I don't think I was meant to be.

I don't think that was ever my lot.

This road, hard as it has been, leads continually uphill but I'm somewhere near the treeline now.  From here I will be able to see out and over.  As a child I used to climb the mountains in the area where I lived.  I was acting out what I would be doing for the rest of my life.  My imagination has always been my visual experience

Had I not, I probably would have settled for an easy plateau...or worse, the valley, like most people do (even though it doesn't have to be.)  For some time now, even though I've been through some pretty bad stuff, some good came out of it.  I simply can't settle for mediocrity...and wound up in unnatural poverty.  That came from refusing to take my place in the herd.  I would not walk the same way as anyone else...and often walked against it.

In these times, I'm working on turning the poverty into abundance.  My mentors help me keep the right attitude about this kind of growth.  I want to do more than just survive...or even make a good life for myself...I want to help others do it.

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Being someone elses' drummer is the way of the masses. It is also what is expected of each and every individual within the citizenry. I have not given up nor will I. Even if I do fail at all my attempts, I get to rest on my dying day, that I have not gone the way of the masses. I will hold no regrets. I have issues that are making it harder for me than for many who have what I don't by nature. I will not let that stop me. I will become another WA success story because this is something I believe in. I will tear down my websites and rebuild them as many times as it takes to make it all work. If this membership has done anything for me, it is the bringing about of the awareness of what must be done in my personal life to align with success. It breaks my heart to have read Dan Kennedy's materials on the means of wealth (not just money) and yet I have to turn and go the opposite direction and look for just any job I can find...all over two-figure amounts that continue to threaten me a life on the streets of Tampa. The entrepreneurial bug has been implanted in my mind and it will not lay me to rest until this has been realized in my physical settings as well. There are just a few of you who continue to read my story, and in tears (yes, I am now in tears over this) and emotionalism which I must quell, I have written...I love you and greatly appreciate you. For those of you who won't look at me because of my pitiful condition, you will see that if I can overcome, most anybody can and I will be a walking example. Life has been hard for me, without letting up...but I am getting callused against the foes who continue to try to pull me down from climbing up out of the box.
Added: Ever watch a cat's behavior? She wants to go a certain way. Turn her around and she will go right back at it again. Do it as many times as you will. Unless you physically constrain her so she cannot physically go her way, she will continually do it until she gets her way. This isn't to say we would be insane by doing just means we are being persistent as that cat. Even when constrained, she will hiss, meow, fidget, bite and scratch...anything feline-ly possible to get her way. It takes a lot to get a cat to settle down and you'd better not hold her too long... This is the way of an entrepreneur in the face of mediocrity. And no, we shouldn't scratch and bite our superiors! This is not's animal. We use our minds ethically...
jatdebeaune Premium
There really is nothing to fear when you think about it. Fear is not a friend, just holds us back and it doesn't feel good. You're special Daniel. Where is it written you have to march to anybody's drummer? I think you're on your path now.
That is unwritten code which all members of the herd silently adhere to. We shouldn't break laws, but it is only those who break industry standards, in spite of opposition from the industry who become wildly successful. Something for all of us to think about... It isn't an easy thing and requires a thick skin.
Jamie Smith Premium
The best revenge is living well. I sent you some WA Gold to get you headed down the right path making $ online. Please feel free to send me a PM if you need help with your niches. We are family, I got your back.
You have been rolling out the red carpet for our new people. I just want to let you know that this is noticed, at least by me, and probably many others. You are just another monument of success here at WA. I'm honored to be on your buddy list! The music you play in your streaming radio is quite unique. I have not yet explored all the programs you have available, but what I have heard is excellent. I love jazz, fusion, International, New Age, ambient, spacy bass (Hearts of Space) and experimental electronic music. This goes for most of the traditional stuff too! I do NOT like rap, heavy metal and grunge-type musics. You've got some good stuff there and it makes very good nocturnal music. It is also great to listen to as I work on my computer stuff. You are very special and a great asset to this Membership!
Robg1 Premium
It's tough going against the crowd! I think many of the members here will be in a similar boat.
Wealthy Affiliate does have the tendency to draw this lot of people doesn't it? I have not known a single person here who doesn't belong. Many times we have to go upstream without a paddle...and figure out just how to do that.
Labman_1 Premium
Glad you are back in the warm. Sounds like even though you had a rough visit you have turned it into a learning experience. Keep at it Daniel, were rootin' for ya.
Oh, that trip isn't over yet! My sister's boyfriend got into Kathy's (my sister) family pictures after I had scanned them to bring back with me. He did something with them (nobody else could have or knew about these pictures) and that naturally has my sister unequivocally believing that I had stolen them and brought them back to me to Florida. I have both of my sisters screaming at me and blocking me from FaceBook, etc. This is an awful situation and yesterday I broke down over it. This is an awful nightmare, plus now, I can't find a job, I'm here with no way to pay my rent or electricity. When will this ever end? All I can do is put this whole mess in God's hands and let it be. I'm getting so back into a corner it is unbelievable. And on top of all this, I've been trying to move my landlord's domain from one hosting company to another. He had purchased the domain from MelbourneIT through a third party vendor...Yahoo Small Business. I have been fighting with them for almost two weeks now trying to do this stupid task...and on the telephone for not hours...but days! None of the techs in there have, so far, been able to fix the problem. I've been sent all over the place. They even sent me to Verizon tech support, and repeatedly sent me to a television and telephone repair department. They also sent me to their premium tech support, which we had to pay for...only to find they don't support what I'm trying to get done. Finally three days ago, a tech came up with the idea that the settings had to be set to default (putting the domain back on their servers. Now it says "pending" and I can't get into anything. No, neither can they...and nobody seems to have the answers. Locked out of our domain, my landlord is furious, and now I can't get into the tech support because they want the last eight digits of the credit card number he used to open the account with to go any further. That was six years ago and his credit card has been changed four or five times now...and nobody has these records. All they can say is, "Sorry." WE CAN'T EVEN CLOSE OUT THE ACCOUNT! Wow! Don't EVER even think of using Yahoo for domain and hosting. It is a royal nightmare! We've been fighting with this since September 22nd! This isn't to mention them telling us we had to contact MelbourneIT because changing DNS settings isn't supported through Yahoo! We wound up on hold trying to get through for 25 minutes at $4 a be told that, "You need to go to Yahoo Small Business," because they are the ones through whom we opened the account. Today, it's still on "pending" and can't do a thing to fix it! Well, God has given me a new day. What will become of it?