Some of Us Missing the Mark

Last Update: March 05, 2011

I'm a firm believer that the dreams we have at night are quite revealing if we listen to what they are saying.  Many people discount these nightly visitations as just nonsensical jargon the human mind comes up with on its own accord as it runs wild during the night.

I think not!

I Could Not Get That Photograph!

I had a dream this morning, I was coming out of the woods to a big field.  I had always been familiar with this field as a child growing up.  I had been away from home for some time and come back.  There is now a neighborhood with homes and streets where this field once was.  This is the way it is real life.

But I was at the edge of that field and saw two houses under construction.  One could see through the houses because they were just framework with roofs on them.  The vast field could be seen behind them, through them.  Behind the house on the left were two others going up, one having all its sheathing and the one behind it just being framed.  Behind that was yet another with just a foundation put in.  Behind all of this was the flat vastness of the field with a tree line in the far distance.

The view was compelling...straight from the early 1960s as we remember, the urbanization of many of our open areas here in the U.S.

I wanted to get a photograph of this.  It had to be these houses when it was still possible to see the field behind them, through them.  However, no matter what position I got in, I could not get the whole thing in view.  I stepped back, but there was too much foliage in the way...and too high up on the hill behind me.

I got up to the fence line where the property began.  Too close to the subject!

I crossed the fence line to get a different angle.  There was a person there right away to tell me I was not supposed to be on the property, to leave.

Next thing I knew...the houses now had sheathing and sheet rock on the walls.  The opportunity had passed...

I Awoke Assessing My Life!

There it is!  The Big Problem with my life!  Always behind...just missing the mark in everything I do!

  • Finding out just after I had damaged the motor in my motorbike, having realized I was putting only half of the 2-cycle oil into the gasoline mix it was supposed to be getting...
  • Being reamed out by my boss because a car I needed to rush to get ready because there was a customer waiting for it...had his credit card declined and the car was still sitting there...until my boss got in it to go pick up another customer who would be using it...and find problems with it not being cleaned right...
  • Not getting up on my landlord's roof to recoat it...until the day I had planned to do it...and it rains...(guess what...after being told not to wait until the rain!)
  • Having lost a scraper that belongs to my boss...because I was rushing trying to patch a truck tire and left it sitting on the frame of the truck...has come back and bit me in the behind because I didn't have the scraper when I needed it...I must replace it with money meant for rent...that I'm behind on!
  • Rushing trying to get ready and out the door for work...and ruined my can opener rushing!  Now I can't get into my cans and have to put even more money from my rent...that I'm behind on...into replacing the can opener...
  • Finding myself rushing to work every morning because I'm behind with everything else and that has made me late...
  • Can't find things I need when I need them quickly...

Small stuff???  Yes.  They are.  But added up and they become one hell of a mess!

And Now for Internet Marketing

Trying to rush to get things together and up for the present $1 Promotions.  Right after I had that dream, the first thing I did was come to Wealthy Affiliate's Home Page.  That would not load.

I have this problem every morning.  For some reason that and other pages will not load.  It's probably my connection.  Sometimes I reserve my time to write to the morning because this is when I do that best.

Sometimes I go off to work without getting anything done because things will not load...and I go off frustrated...or late because the page finally loaded and I tried to cram in some writing time...or submit what I've written previously.

It all equates to being behind!  My stats for sales remain "ZERO!"  I'm so tired of seeing zeros in my stats!

Moral of this Story:

Don't let yourself get behind!  It is horrendous trying to get caught up!  Today my time is spent trying to catch up with things from yesterday.  Many of these things are now dead horses but must be reckoned with.

These things are taking up my valuable time...and the people I owe these to are not sympathetic to my Internet marketing projects.  That, they say, can wait.  I can't argue with them.  I owe them.  It keeps getting put on the back burner and when things like this promotion comes up...I'm not ready for it and miss out.

I have this time around...again.  With two days to go in this promotion, I have other things I MUST tend to.  I can't put them off.  Last Wednesday was supposed to be a day off and planned on using it to work on this promotion.  That day...of all days, my boss calls and tells me I need to come in.  It just COULDN'T have occurred on any other day off!

I'm in no position to say no.  I'm too dispensable and I owe...

The time I spent at work was not very long but it did cut up my day and affected how I was thinking about the day.  When I came back, I couldn't put my mind to it.  I've written two articles which remain without keywords and not submitted.

My dream this morning carried that theme throughout...and it included talking to my sister telling her I only had two days to do everything I wanted to do before I had to leave.  None of it got done before I awoke from the dream.

Today is my other day off.  I get Wednesdays and Sundays.  I'm part of a work group.  My group is called in for a meeting.  Out of 12 groups, my group had to fall on this day!  And then, there's my landlord's statuary.  I was supposed to have pressure-washed these and painted them by now.  I did the pressure-washing of them yesterday, planned on painting them's raining.

So, in the few hours I have left from that meeting, my landlord wants shelving put in.  I'm behind on rent.  I can't say no.

Just like that dream...I"ve missed out...with the $1 Promotions.  The last day of the promotions is no different.  I'm behind and can't get to it.

Don't let this happen to you!

I can offer no excuse for why I have not done anything productive with this promotion.  There is no excuse.  There is no excuse for being behind, so I'm not using that for an excuse.  There is NO EXCUSE for ANY of this!


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Thank you Brad B for your comment! I know I will, but things have really soured on me. I made the lethal mistake of disclosing my website to my boss' daughter. It had damning information on it...damning to an employer. I had to take the site down. It was my Wealthy Affiliate promotional site. The website is REALLY not down, just hidden. I've left a new post about this.
Brad B Premium
What do you mean you have no excuse? Dude, life happens. Forget the $1 promotion. You'll get there.
Meanwhile, the solution to your time problem is staring you right in the face. Since you have 100s of journal pages recounting your dreams, you just need to dream your marketing pages then jot them down. Problem solved! You're working in your sleep. Nothing could be more American.
I have a good knack of remembering my dreams. I have actually written close to 100 of them out over the last decade. What is really shocking is getting it all out on paper and then seeing what you have! Remembering your dreams is a learned behavior. It come with a little practice. What I noticed is this: After doing this for a while, your subconscious mind actually works with you and during your sleep, plays back dreams and tries to take note. I've actually experienced this! It's almost like your cognitive mind steps in. I don't know where the power comes from but when that began happening I was able to write with striking details the contents of my dreams! They are in my Journal. There's some really wild and surreal stories there!
phildeeze Premium
I am a firm believer that the dreams we have are actually the thoughts coming from our subconscious. They may seem strange at times but that is just our mind mixing multiple thoughts. I love the story man, I can totally relate to the feeling of just not being able to get the view you want and next thing you know its gone and you wake up.