The Price of Freedom and Self-Sufficiency

Last Update: February 12, 2011

 Please refer to "Uh oh!  My Boss Finds My About Me Page!" for more information about what is written here.  This post is a response to the several comments I've gotten on that blog post.


Fortunately, in my case, that's four good hours unless there are more cars to wash, etc.  It's one reason this job is suitable for me...I use the rest of my time fixing all the problems that have piled up on me.  Unfortunately, for my employer, the Page I wrote showed him the side of me he didn't want to know...and it is a reflection on my character.

Freedom comes with a price.  Most people think they know what freedom is, but that false sense of security and the rented lifestyle is far from true freedom.  Most of us who come to WA have known this or find this out very quickly.  Education is the key...and is one of the things my boss and I talked about.


If I had to work for someone, it would be someone like you...because your beliefs about people bettering their lives goes a long way.  In this case, I'd be working with you, not for you.

The problem with so many people and what causes the worst opposition to those bettering themselves is this thing called "employee mentality."  Yes, even some business owners have this problem.  Never saying proprietorship is any less than entrepreneurship, but there is a difference.  Many proprietors do not think like entrepreneurs and some of them inherited businesses.

The main reason I'm thankful at this point for the job I have is that not so much of my day is centered around it as a full-time job would be.  The person I work for simply did not understand that term and it really flipped him out when he saw it...and the fact that I jumped from one dead-end job to another...all of my life.  I'm psychologically unemployable and there is not two ways about it.  That job is expedient...and that's all there is to it.  The problem with some employers is that they think low-income wage workers are brainless...brute beasts to be used to tread out the work.  Sadly, many people do not know there are alternatives and keep going "in quiet desperation until the day they die with the music still in them."  Sadly many people go to their death beds with regret.


I had a long comment in response to your comment, but I got logged out and lost the entire I'm rewriting it here.

In just about every point you brought up in your comment is well-put and quite accurate...

Yes.  I wrote that lengthy comment, both, to save my job and provide an explanation to my boss that the situation here is a bit different than most of the positions I've been in.  In all of my other jobs, I felt trapped.  Why? Because I could not see an end to it.  The last two years for me have been life-changing.  I've read a lot of books about this subject, I've written one myself...which came with a lot of research, and I've gotten some very empowering education right here and one other source dealing with self-improvement and motivational skills.

I would like to just up and say good-bye to the employment world in a week, but unfortunately, I have not yet become proficient enough with my Internet marketing.  It was the Clubs here at WA where I found some strong weaknesses that need attention and is the thing that is holding me back...and is within me.  But it's in my writing and the way I've been doing it that has been holding me back.

You can write one-thousand articles...two thousand if you will...and if they are not persuasive or have other writing problems in them, you might as well not write any at all until you fix the problems.  Sure they may help with SEO, but if people are not even reading them...something's wrong and that has to be fixed.

Being in a job does slow the progress down.  That of course happens when we must put in face time in a job.  Can't be in two places at least not physically.  So, some of my time did get chopped off and it's now harder to plan things...especially when your boss tells you just before your day off..."I need you to come in to work tomorrow." at the last minute.

That happened last week.

"Mean what you say...and say what you mean..." just don't let your boss find it!  It can cause you to lose your income...which would create more problems.

The only real fix to this whole thing is to work your ass off, double your efforts in Internet marketing and know that your job creates the incentive to do that all the more.

Believe me, I do not relish having soothing music, nacht music, or nighttime hypnosis recordings on until that time comes...


There goes the alarm clock!   And then that routine starts!  Then it's out the door...rainy or nice, cold or humid...what ever the weather...dragged out the home like an unwilling piece of metal being drawn to that daily magnet!

Yes, I believe in myself...more than ever these days.  I can thank my psychological and hypnotherapist friend who has helped me with the social handicaps I had and have been working to eradicate.

The Price of Freedom and Self-sufficiency

We have the freedom to write what we want, but it can be very costly if it gets in the wrong hands.  Unfortunately, employers often leverage the uncertainty of the economy and the times to keep their employees in a state of fear..thus in subjection and in line.

I've violated the one greatest fear an employer can have...employees who can think for themselves.  Employees who are aware that time is more valuable than the wages they get in trade for their time.

It shook up my boss when he saw what I wrote...and I almost lost my job for it.  Believe me...the time will come when I can say good-bye to employment.  I'm far more equipped now than I was one year ago!

The first thing I wrote in my Journal last year on Day 1, was that 2010 would be the year I made contact.

I had making my income other than from wages in mind when I said that.  I was disappointed that it did not happen...but in reality, I did make contact.  2010 was a year of great empowerment and the education that produced it.  2011 will be the year that I put my knowledge to work.

I'm making ready now.  I would like this to go faster, but good things do take time.  I can be very thankful for having found Wealthy Affiliate two years ago.  I firmly believe that if I had become a member here the first time I found it and not a year later, I would be much farther along than I am now.

Well, that's today's post.  It's all heart-felt and sincere.

The writing I made in that About Me page remains unchanged.  I will not be altering the integrity of what I wrote.  That long comment below it just serves as a clarification for the terminology I used.  My boss has not read the addition, but we've discussed this at length.

The important thing here is I have my cake and can eat it too...even if it does cause a bit of indigestion.

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Thanks both of you for your comments. Isn't it so funny that so many things in employment are so unnatural? Many times you have to throw off your human traits to look "professional." My previous job ended because I simply got tired of being bullied by one egotistical and total block-headed individual who thought that kitchen was his and there were going to be changes! I came to a threshold in that situation and stormed out the door. Unfortunately there was a guest on the other side and I knocked her clear across the corridor with the door. Bye-bye JOB! That was last year. I've learned a lot this year through WA! Right now I'm still getting settled in where I'm living. My current job is nowhere near as bad as that last one although I do have to keep my private business to myself...including my Internet marketing endeavors and how I feel about employment. Again, I agree that wage labor is better than nothing...but that's only a stepping stone for those of us! The work I do is brainless, but it is not stress-free. Fortunately it is NOT full-time! I couldn't stand it if it was! Hey, I just left a new post here. Going to be a lot this month...and the one I just left is a chapter from my book! If anything, read the lists in it. It is very lengthy, so if you don't read it all, no problem. Just look at the lists, and if it does interest you what else is there, well go to it! Thanks again all for your moral support here!
jatdebeaune Premium
Oh, I so understand. This too will pass Daniel, and like every great novelist, or actor, you will use this experience to fuel your work, or incorporate it somehow. When I was right out of college I got a job designing funny greeting cards. They put me in a room with 5 other people 9 to 5, and I was expected to be funny on a time clock. Doesn't work that way. That is unnatural, but I managed to do it. The bosses (suits) would come into the room and look at the cards on the wall that were designed that day. If they didn't laugh, it was curtains for me. I made them laugh for a year and then I escaped. Like you, I'm not thrilled with captivity either. Just use the job as long as you need it. Master your craft Daniel. I believe in you.
Robg1 Premium
I think for your Wa endevours brainless and hopefully stressless work is good. You dont use much of your brain power during the day and you should be relaxed when you come home to do some more IM. I teach Thai kids only ten hours a week and keeoing them in check for just a couple of hours a day is draining on mind body and soul! So think yourself lucky! Chin up!