What Are SERPs Checkers?

Last Update: May 15, 2012
What Are SERPs Checkers?

Well I had one on Jay.  I thought he would know what a SERPs Checker is.  I wonder if he throught I might be pulling the ''Hey go get me the board stretcher.''

These are online utilities you can use freely to determine which page in the SERPs your site is.  Some I've used offered a search of the first five pages, another up to 100.  It sure beats scrolling down through pages.

Here's one right here.

Yahoo Top 1000 SERPs checker: Yahoo Pagerank SERPs index ...
Yahoo Top 1000 Page Rank Checker - Yahoo search rank results SERP.

This was grabbed from out of a hat so it might not lead to anything worthwhile, but there are tons of listings in the SERPs for this keyword.
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Like I said, that one was "out of the hat." This one will check for five pages in.
I've used this one and it works. I tried that other yesterday and got the same thing.

I used another one which does 100 pages for Google. I would like to find that one...


This one is supposed to check up to 1000 pages of Google but it only lists the first 390 (what I got.) My site is not found. There is some serious problems with it not ranking. There are so many on there. Some work and probably others don't.

By far, Jennifer's probably outdoes most of the ones out there. Hers does up to ten pages. I guess 10 pages is good because anything else means SERIOUS work to do in SEO whereas with ten means tweaking.
morlandroger Premium
I use Rank checker but there are quite a few out there
CSmith1 Premium
Hi Daniel,
The site/tool doesn't seem to work for me, just returns same message:
Search from 1 ~ 100
Possible no more search results at this time.

Potpiegirl has a great tool for checking ranking on Google http://jennifer.whatpageofsearchamion.com/

Off topic, glad to see you finally got your GoPro :)