Why I Contribute to Wealthy Affiliate...

Last Update: March 20, 2011

I have a space of about 15 minutes to write this, so it's going to be short...

Wealthy Affiliate is the only "live" place from which I get support that I need to succeed in life.  That's all of it in a nutshell.

Marcus responded to me in an e-mail for concerns I have for not succeeding here after being here for over a year.

The crux of his message was two-fold...local marketing and planning.  Both of these things hit my problem squarely on the head.  I have nothing to hide.  I've not been as active in this area as I should.

Less Contributing and More Work on Campaigns

Yes, he is right, but I've gotten two badly needed results which have great value to me:

Badly-needed support

Having a "following" here proves to me that I can do this outside of WA as well!

I probably won't stop contributing here because of all places I've been on the Internet, WA is something I can believe in!  This has been a Godsend in my life!  I do not say this lightly!  There are too many points here about this to write in the time I have for this post, but the greatest of these is the like-mindedness and "safe haven" it provides for me.

So Why Am I Not Producing?

Lack of planning

Lots of obligations that are holding me up

Doing things that are not conducive to making a living online

Impoverished conditions...no shower, no toilet, things most people take for granted!  Yes, these things do have their part in slowing things down when you have to resort to 19th century methods of living in some regards.

Awful conditions in my employment. (I had to remove my website to save my job.)  That's about to resolve.  Unfortunately this cut off half of my promotion time for the $1 Trials.

Failure to build and implement local marketing campaigns.

These Things Are Going to Change!

Set goals, plan it out, set minor goals to implement the plan.  Do each goal in a timely manner.

Work out the obligations as fast as possible

Put off the things that are not producing (at least cut down on them) and replace the time with work on campaigns

The added income from the Internet will take care of a lot of problems I'm now going through.

Put the website back up even before I've raised the money I need for a 1-year subscription.  My boss is slow, by the time he discovers the website is back up, I will have the funds!

Get those local marketing campaigns finished!  Finish my book!  It's nearly there now!

That's  it...time to go!

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Yes! Today is a HAPPY DAY! I've written about it in a NEW blog post!
dgmills Premium
Sounds like Marcus identified the problem for you and you have a great attitude. A lot of people resist truth and constructive criticism. I've read a few of your posts and have experienced analogous bad moves on my part with mixing my personal and business. I was employed for years for a small business started by some army guys my age and we were all buddies. Hung out a lot after work. Early on I was always talking about my life and goals and wanting to be an independent contractor and build my own business. Just shooting the bull about life and ambitions. And was talking about moving back down south closer to home and family. Well nothing wrong with that but after 5 years of working with them I figured out I was pigeon holed and opportunities for advancement that came open were hired in from the outside. After a while I put two and two together. They are still my friends but they were small business owners and at the time they were building a foundation for the future. They needed me and didn't want to lose and certainly paid me well but they also had to look to the future of their now successful business. They had more trust hiring in from the outside for management, good people that had all their ties locally and would be there long term. So moral of the story. One, it's hard being friends with the boss or company owners, and two, if you are there are some things you just have to keep to yourself! Cheers and I hope you work things out and stay here in the community. Dano
NEA03 Premium
You can do it Daniel, go for it!