Why I Won't Stop Writing In My Blog...

Last Update: June 06, 2011

I deeply appreciate the help I've gotten from this membership in more ways than one.   I've been admonished not to write in the Forum and my blog by several people over time now.  One of the latest things I've gotten was, in so many words, was that my writing here hasn't reflected any sales, making it irrelevant.

Most people who admonish me not to write here argue that it saps time...no doubt...a valid point.  I don't spend exorbinant time writing here.  What have I been doing with my time?  Am I working on my campaigns?


As most people around here know, I'm known for money problems.  I won't go into any of that because it's getting old.

Being in a JV has been a challenge to me but a great learning experience.  It has done several things for me:

  • Teaches me how to be patient.
  • Has brought to light some serious writing problems I have
  • Teaches me how to be when in a partnership
  • Has definitely brought out things regarding negativity I've been now working on.
  • Shows me how to take my role and not try to go beyond that.
  • Teaches me how to respect other people's time.
  • Teaches me how to be persistent.
  • Teaches me not to be afraid.
  • Teaches me how to get into the minds of my readers (definitely!)
  • ...and more...

I agree wholeheartedly with several here that I should be making money by now.  But I'm not.  Things in my life are still very imbalanced and it has consistently taken its toll.

I have cut way back on my writing in here and realize I have very little credential at this point.  I'm working on it.  I'm doing whatever I can to fix what I see is wrong.  I write here because I know I will get answers.

Many say I write well...yes, but too well.  I'm working on that too.

It's not vocabulary that matters...its whether or not you are being received by your readers.  I don't care what anybody says...personality doesn't always get the cake.  I know.  I've tried to be Daniel in my writing but it doesn't fly with the market.  It isn't beyond me to fix this.

It's just to show people here that I am doing my work.  I have to take steps that many people don't have to mess with.

In spit of how bad things have gotten, I've not thrown in the towel.

Thank you all greatly for the support.  Both the constructive criticism and the words of encouragement have gone to my heart.  Today I'm rewriting an entire book based on what I've learned from those who read it.  This time I'm applying things I've learned from the market...something I've never done before!

Thank you all for your words.  There is a lightening storm coming and I've got all my tools outside.



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jimmywrex Premium
@Joan/Daniel (RE:writing professionally) I had thought of suggesting this before but didn't want to sidetrack things. There are many blogs that will pay you to write and you will not have to sell.
burntout Premium
It's your blog. If people do'nt like what's on it then they do'nt have to read it! This games different for everone who plays it. If you're making everybody mad, then good. Means your capable of affecting your readers. Put a buy now link in your next blog and make everybody so mad they click on it. You are still in the game and it makes no different if your miles ahead or miles behind. Screw censorship, here and everywhere. Speak your mind and tell the world to kiss your -but- I can't use that word either!?
jatdebeaune Premium
You know what? They're giving you good advice. I must heed the same advice myself and stay out of WA for a while and focus on work. Work is both online and offline, and there's a ton of it. You (one) has to focus and not get distracted by reading blogs and writing them, albeit, very enjoyable. The reason you are such a good writer is because you write from the heart. You're very engaging. Maybe you should be writing professionally. Maybe that's your big calling. Everybody here is cheering you on. So go write, enjoy yourself and make yourself some cash.
...and the Almighty
The only person you are ever answerable to is the Man In The Mirror.