Last Update: May 19, 2011

I realize I need to be on my campaigns than to be writing here, but this really deserves attention!

Never Judge a Book By Its Cover!

This is going to be short and sweet.  This could be you and this could be me.  Chances are, it is both.

Right now I can't even buy toilet paper let alone a whiteboard.  I've been told several times now I'm sitting on gold.  Sometimes the very book cover we judge is our own.  We delegate where we are in life in spite of our inner potential!

If you've not been to Jay's latest post, you've got to see it!  It will inspire you beyond words!

Will I get to where I want to go?  That remains to be seen.

Do I have the talent people say I do?  I have to get that one by me yet.

I'm at a fork in the road.  I've been here for a very long time now.

Fate or Fortune.

In spite of a great wind trying to push me away from Fortune Convergence, I'm giving all my might to hang on.  Most of this wind is coming from within.

Hope I'm not confusing you.  Go to Jay's post right now and be wowwed by what's there.  Timely advice by Jay himself and a wonderful video will knock your socks off!

You won't even have to go far to find that post...

Well, back to work...

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Ha! Ha! It's whatever I ate! I guess I really opened myself up for that one! I agree. Passing wind could make entrepreneurs want to run the other way LOL!
Labman_1 Premium
What's that Daniel, your passing wind? :)