Wow I Just Got a Sale!

Last Update: June 28, 2012
It's a bit, but the $5 helps!

Someone had to have gone into one of my dated WA campaigns.

When I get at least 30 articles pointing to GoPro homepage, I need to get my new WA campaign along as I am GoPro.

There's a lot of work to do. I need to buckle down more, slacking a bit.

I noticed something change on my dashboard and it didn't look quite right. Then I realized what I was looking at, the invited had moved from zero! Things are slowly coming together but there is quite a ways to go.

It's a milestone...
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stadium Premium
cool man
Yea, I think so too.
paci Premium
Congratulations...more will come :)
I know they will. I haven't even started with WA yet!
Shawn Martin Premium
Yes!!! Congrats!
It's encouraging!
Sherion Premium
Congrats. Everything counts. Every single penny even! of my bank accounts is overdrawn...I found that today too...They were charging me $3 for every paper statement they sent and I've never seen that before! I had $20 in there and since winter, it depleted it and now a negative. Anyway, it didn't cause a bank charge, so the $5 is coming to PayPal in a couple days, and can fix that with it.
Kalevi Premium
Awesome! I can imagine it's really exciting getting your first sale, especially from something that was unexpected. It just goes to show you can make money anywhere as long as you are willing to work.
When I look away or do something else, I keep noticing the change on my board. It just looks so out-of-place lol. I was listening to an old recording, a poet attempting to recite his poetry when on this 1888 cylinder, you can clearly make him out suddenly stopping and then saying, "I'm terribly sorry, but I forgot the [...]" and was babbling on when they were trying to record him.

So I had some soothing poetry (amongst loud static and crackles) when I saw it.