Yes Boss, I'm Sorry...(With a Smile)

Last Update: February 08, 2011

So now I'm in a job.  Not to be negative here, there are things that come with a job that are most undesirable.  One thing, of course, is that it gobbles up time.  It is not the best use of time by any means, except that employment is expedient sometimes.

 In all of the uncertainty of my new job came the problem of trying to get a payment into Wealthy Affiliate.  It went so far as having canceled on me.  But I was able to resubscribe.  Whew!

I am psychologically unemployable but had to, nonetheless, find a job.  I'm being paid under the table for this job and  this was supposed to be a one-day thing.  My second week in this job, I'm still being paid under the table.  Some may say, well, that's great you are being paid that way because you get more in your pocket.  This may be true, but it does have its consequences.

With Internet marketing, I should not be concerned about Social Security, but none of my money is going into that.  The second thing is the sheer uncertainty of the situation - there's no protection and one wrong move could be my last day.

Don't You Have Soap or Deodorant???

"Well yes, boss, I do."

There's no challenging this.  Yesterday when I first got up I looked on the weather map and saw that there was a rain storm approaching and it was right at Tampa's back door step!  I had to throw myself together and get to my place of employment where I would be protected from the rain.

I ride a bicycle and it is very dangerous riding along very busy Fowler Avenue here.  I did not freshen up and I threw on the clothes I wore the day before.

This opened me up for a long-winded talk about hygiene.  If that wasn't enough, my boss was telling me, this person says you have BO, that person says you have BO, yadda, yadda...

I hate to see what it's going to be like in the heat of the summer (if I even am at this job that long.)

Get Busy with My Campaigns!

This is where the real security lies...not in a job.  Even if I were to be put on the payroll, really...that offers no protection.  Despite the fact that most employers demand a six-week notice upon an employee's decision for departure from a position the employer can terminate or lay off at moment's notice.

Yes, it's good now I won't get thrown out on the street, but employment these days, is only a temporary fix.  Now that I'm restored to Wealthy Affiliate, I've got to discipline myself that much more to getting the work done here.  My future now depends on it, because in employment for most, there is no future.  That's the same as just "entering the future."

The entrepreneur "creates his future."

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