"You Fired Your Boss!? So...Now What?"

Last Update: April 12, 2011

At 8:00 this morning, instead of reporting to work, I was still home had gotten my magicJack (phone equipment) working...and called in.

  • I wasn't sick.
  • I wasn't going to be late.
  • My moped didn't break...

Rhonda, my boss' wife answered the phone...

"Good morning Rhonda!" I said with glee, "I regret to inform you, you're fired."


I Do Not Encourage This to Anyone Here...

That's right.  I landed on uncharted territory with my fleet of sailing ships.  Then I burned the ships.  There is no return!

I'm not really in the position to have done this.  I really needed to stay at that job and and put up with the rubbish a little longer...who knows, it may have lasted another couple weeks...

But I couldn't take another day of it!  No need to reiterate what had been happening but I had to free myself from that and leave myself at the shore of new adventures in wild and undiscovered country.  I'm well equipped to proceed.

I'm moving through my Power3 Course.

I had another job lined up, but that fell through about two hours after I had made my call-in this morning!  Wow!

I do not recommend people here to do what I have done...especially those of you who have families...until you can see your way through doing it!  I've heard sad stories about those who gave up high-paying jobs and wound up losing their homes and families fraught with divorce, child support, etc.  Very similar to the many destroyed households and ruined families during the Gold Rushes of California and the Klondike in the 1840s, we have similar tragic outcomes from those who had not prepared themselves and learned how to go about the prospecting.  Indeed, today, as in the Gold Rush, most of the tools will move little more than plain earth, and such prospectors left with...nothing.  If you have the right maps...and many of them are right here in this Membership...then...by all means...there's Gold in Them Thar' Hills!

Calculated Risk VS Being Stupid

There's a tale of two cities here.  One commends me for having done what I have this morning...and the other outright calls what I did as an act of stupidity.

We know which city comprises the Internet marketers and entrepreneurial-minded folks...and which city comprises those who dare not venture outside of the practical, the familiar and the normal.

Am I being stupid?  Time will tell.  I have the tools and knowledge to do the prospecting I've set out to do.  I have the maps that most people outside of places like Wealthy Affiliate deem as virtually undecipherable.

Alas, most people who dig ditches and other mind wrenching mundane labor 40 hours per week for minimum wage think I'm stupid for what I've done.  There are some school teachers who absolutely cannot understand my logic.

If I fail this time around...I will settle back into another job for a little while until I recoop...and do it again...and again...

...until I get it.

Calculated Risk?

I'd like to think so.  I have my maps, tools and my mind.  I have my dreams and my visions.  I have my goal ahead of me.  I've leveraged off the crappy conditions of a job I was in until I could just make it by with what I've gotten from it.

That's how desperate I am to realize my freedom and independence in a free land where most people are not free!

That's my theme.  It is my message to the world.  It always has been and always will until the day I die.  I will not join the ranks of the unfinished symphony.  Change is the color of time.  Those who refuse it live drab, dull lives.  They think they are free, and perhaps a very few of them, who were born into wealth, are.

But most of us are not.

We must create our futures and let the dead have theirs happen to them. I saw some jaws drop today when I told certain people what I did.  They have no idea what I'm up to.  "Now, what a stupid thing!"  Yes, "...that wasn't very smart!"

I don't think remaining an entire lifetime in mediocrity is very prudent.

That's the continuing saga of this explorer who refuses to stay in line with what most people think is socially acceptable behavior...not that I'm anything you'd call an "anarchist," because I'm not...but my mind and soul are too impetuous to remain in  the highly routinized rented lifestyles most people live.

It's just too small for me.

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Labman_1 Premium
Glad to hear you are working the Power 3 stuff Daniel.
Perhaps I'll see you over there. Do your best and I'm sure it will work out for you. I'm rootin' for ya.
Well, I had another job possibility but I got a call from a woman from that place telling me they won't be sending an application and that they are not hiring. Hmmm! Anyway, isn't that the way the employment world turns? It's too fickle to me and I firmly believe what others say about employment and have made it part of my own knowledge base...employment is about the worst legal way to earn a living (in most cases.) My landlord doesn't know this other job fell through. I'm working my ass off with the possibilities I have now. The MUST work. I don NOT want to return to employment under any circumstances. I've completed P3 Gold about fifteen minutes ago and it's time to goo deeper into it. I've got to have $50 for the next subscription payment for this...three weeks away. It's not a problem with WA anymore but it is, now I don't have that job...but for sure...I could not stay there. You are right Joan...any of my other options are better than that one! They appeared almost literally out of nowhere at the time I was fixing to leave that job. One of them occurred right before I actually made that call!
jatdebeaune Premium
Good for you Daniel. They can't afford you. If you ever wanted to replace income, you have many options that are better than that one. The best option is to make IM work for you. You have the talent.
Thanks Josh! I'm now working my way through the last module of Gold. I have four more installments to go through. This is an AWSOME course! I will be going down through this entire thing a second time, this time applying the concepts to my first campaign. I made my stand...now I've got to stand behind that. It will be a challenge but I'm on my way with the education I've gotten from WA and P3M!
muskyblood Premium
You know how I feel Daniel. I give you much credit for standing up to these people. Now is the time to take your P3 skills to the next level. Get out there and get some clients. Best of luck my friend...