Posts by Danny21 5
November 13, 2009
So low on the ground I may be Longing for the deep blue sky Can’t make everyone else notice me Can’t even think that they will try Stand and run Now is not the time to lay around Hold your gun You have to go and break the ground One pulse left, my heart had The one thing that’ll stop me on my track End my struggle, you try to shoot me dead Not realizing I can always get back One by one, you stand before me Tremble my knee, tremble my hand Trying to see how far I can be Though I can see
October 27, 2009
My God!I'm so exited I just have to write a new blog post. My first article for goarticle which I submit about a month ago, now is ranked first on google search! Out of the one MILLION search results it's ranked on number one! It's great, amazing!!   Okay, now that I got the news off and I can control myself (a bit) right now, I'm going to continue keyword researching. Best day to all of you!   Oh, and here's the google link
October 27, 2009
I've been writing articles almost everyday in this past week. I submit them all to goarticles, it's my favorite article directory at the moment. Since then I hit a lot of requests for my articles. Some only reach 80 while other go way beyond 100! (one already hit 200 requests by now)  I've walked the path, and I can see those articles are starting to give me traffics. The people who click to my WA link have increased in the last week higher than in the last two months!  It's just a mat
October 22, 2009
I don't know about any of you, but I feel I need more motivation to run my business. So yesterday, I make a promise to myself. I sold my laptop and I won't gonna get a new one unless I buy it with my IM profit. Reckless maybe, but I haven't seen myself push over the limit here. I need something that'll drive me. Now, I'm forcing myself since I'm tired of asking money from my parents.   I wanna hold money I own myself. From my own sweat and toil. AndI hope this month I'll be getting the resu
1 comment
September 25, 2009
Determination must be followed by action! I have high goals and ambition but most times didn't know exactly what to do to make them happen. Now, I need to organize myself. Get the important things done and let the less important stuff for the weekend. Gotta make a new lens done by this sunday or monday at least before I make the appropriate articles.  It took time to build dreams, and the best time to start building them is NOW! I'm done procrastinating. Now, I have something to do.  b