Affiliate Niche Club - An Opportunity or Two

Last Update: October 05, 2009

As you know ANC is now just over a year old and Thad and I have just  completed a strategic review of our ‘product’ and in particular it’s positioning in the market place.

We have come to the conclusion that our current pricing structure not only way undervalues the club but also is not fair on our existing members.

Some of our members have been with us from day #1, some have been with us for several months. Great! But the bottom line is that someone can join today for just $9 and get access to everything.

That’s 14 niche reports PLUS 7 bonuses (combined value of $500+)!

We believe that the current pricing undervalues the product to the extent that it impacts it’s very credibility.

So, we’re upping the price, starting Thursday 8th October at 12.00 noon (EST).

Opportunity #1 : Existing members will be grandfathered in at the current $9 / month fee (or $87 / annum) for as long they wish to remain members. That’s fixed in stone, OK? And that applies to anyone who joins ANC before the price increase takes place. If you wish to take advantage of this opportunity you can join ANC at the existing price here.

The new pricing structure will be as follows:-

Standard Package

$49 payable on sign-up followed by $14.95 / month

Annual Discount Package

$129 payable on sign-up, membership valid for 12 months (Save 40%)

We believe this new structure more accurately reflects the real value of ANC membership.

Another important consideration we looked at in our review was our affiliates. We have long understood that people were understandably reluctant to put the effort in to promote ANC for just $5 / sign-up. So, under the new fee structure affiliate payouts will be as follows:-

Standard Package Sign-ups

Affiliate Pay Out – $25 on sign up followed by $8 / subsequent month.

Annual Discount Package Sign-ups

Affiliate Pay Out – $65 payable on sign-up, followed by $65 per annual

There are plenty of resources in the ANC members area to help people promote ANC should they wish to do so. Note: The ANC Affiliate Program is only open to existing members. For more details, please refer to our affiliate page.

Opportunity #2: As an affiliate of ANC you have a great opportunity to promote an established quality product that meets the needs of a starving crowd. And you’ll now get an excellent recurring reward for your efforts! If you wish to take advantage of this opportunity you can join ANC at the existing price here.

The Timetable

The pricing structure, outlined above, will take effect on Thursday 8th October at 12.00 noon (EST).

You can continue to join ANC at the existing price until then. And remember, if you join before Thursday 8th October (12.00 noon EST) you will be grandfathered in at existing price for life!

If you have any questions at all just drop us line at

Dave B

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