About Dave B
Joined June 2006

My name is Dave B and I've been a full time Internet Marketer since 2007, thanks in the main to joining WA in 2006 and then teaming up with Thad Roe via the (then) fledgling buddy system in here.

Thad and I run a joint IM business with websites in various niches but mainly in the broad 'financial services' area.

We also have our own IM website and membership group, The AffiliateNicheClub, specialising in Niche Research.

Thanks for popping by. Feel free to drop me a message.

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witchbug89 Premium
hello, I just joined and I want to make money to go the school. I also want to make friends. I have give myself four months to see some kind of results in my account or i have to find a second job.
InfoAddict Premium
Hey there crazy man, you may have to take over since the other crazy has been away? I guess the "big cat" scared him. :)
InfoAddict Premium
Hiya back!
Thanks for stopping by my space to say hi. :) Just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your posts, you get me laughing pretty good. Love the Big Cat Stuff! I'll have to find a minute to sign up and get spammed too. LOL! -Denise
InfoAddict Premium
That picture of eldest is kind of scary. :) What's up with me? Same old, same old. Got my 2nd WA sign up though. Yipee for me. Haven't been pushing to hard though so I'm sure I could get more. It seems that I can only get people once they have already purchased something from me. Strange! Ok, later gator!-Denise Oh ya, I'll go order some spam now.
InfoAddict Premium
Ya, I got a fella. :) He's really good at taking out the trash and cutting our grass so I think I'll keep him around! I'm just joking! He's super dreamy and really romantical. *blushing* And he's a great dad, like you! Are you still searching for the special someone? I can't imagine why no one has grabbed you up, you big hunk of a man you! - Denise P.S. I could do this all day! :)
Dave B Premium

Just catching up on this new buddy thing...how's things going?

Dave B Premium
Hey! Is that your hubby? I can't compete with those pecs!

...and yeah sign up for a spamming...actually I want good feedback from my buddies before I push the the thing out. Nothing for WA people to buy as I'm promoting WA stuff...good test though

What you up to?

Dave B Premium
Yeah...eldest son IS scary...but the small one's worse. He's an exact carbon copy of me! Get us all together...mayhem! I luv it though... Great news on the WA sales...why do they sign up after they've bought some stuff from you?...cause they trust you...great job!

So...let's cut to chase...you got a fella or what?
Dave B Premium
Not sure a female would fit in to our world just now.... we're pretty crazy...and very single minded... I ain't worried...if I ever get another 'thunderbolt' moment I'll let you know...

PS Is that jacket he's got on as pink as it looks? I only wear black :)
Affventure Premium
Cool teaser, Dave!

84 more days to go to...ummm... Destination Unknown?..... I wonder where?...
Dave B Premium
Destination Unknown? There's a vid on my space blog and on the Reality blog. Listen to the words.

No spoof this time. It's real and this time we are mob handed! Keep watching that page...

katzhooper Premium
I love that movie! Great scene as well! :o)
Dave B Premium
Oh Yeah!

To be on that train!

Running wild....Running wild....Running wild....

kyle Premium Plus
Dave! I have some catching up to do here...you have blasted ahead of my space...LOL!
kyle Premium Plus
Yeah, you have a bit of a lead on us...5000 posts!! Definitely top of the ranks here at WA!
Dave B Premium
Hey Buddy...3000 posts! Nice one...you're catching me up. LOL!
Dave B Premium
LOL! Cheers Kyle...5000 posts and most of them total nonsense...I've really no idea where they've come from at all...I just talk too much I guess.

Your's on the other hand provide much more value.