I'm So Vain That Song Was About Me!

Last Update: September 18, 2009

First, I bloody hate Carly Simon so you're not getting a version of that dreadful ditty. Twas about Jagger apperently so you can have him in a mo.

Anyways, I wanted to put up some new pics of the boys on here and a better pic of me cause that one in the beanie hat (that I use in the forums) was too fuzzy in here. That's because it was a very small pic.

So, I took some shots with my Flip vid and loaded 'em to test. 

But when I tried to get rid of 'em it left some empty gaps. This used to happen in the old spacey bit which is why I never bothered much.

So now I daren't mess about anymore for fear of becoming anonymous.

So that's why you see 4 pics of me. Open them all to see the boys (and the empty gaps.)

I'll report it as a bug but the guys have got more pressing things on at the moment.

If anyone knows how to fix the thing give me a shout.

That's a Middlesbrough Football Club (MFC) hat BTW.

Dave B

Jagger - Paint It Black

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