I will take you step by step....

Last Update: January 23, 2010

I will take you step by step through my business career. 


Dec. 2

Subscribe to WA

Created 2 Squidoo pages

Mid Dec.

Purchased Google Sniper. 

Used a trial version of Keyword Elite 2

Bought www.topguitarriffs.com and www.learnguitarriffs.org

Purchased 1 yr. of unlimited hosting at Bluehost

Jan. 1 - Jan 15th 

Installed WP on Bluehost accounts

Became familiar with WP and cPanel

Jan. 16

Purchased NB2

Jan. 17

Used WP to change the name of my websites

Jan. 23

Searched for my websites on Google

Results for broad search terms with topguitarriffs.com 12th out of 1.9 mill.

Results for learnguitarriffs.org 10th out of 3 mill.

Completed first 2 modules on NB2 and found  92 keyword specific               markets for ecommerce development in roughly 45 markets.


I am really pleased with my domain results even though I only changed the names. I'm planning on doing much more with these but I've been busy trying to learn everything before I waste my time doing stuff improperly. 

In conclusion, I'd like to say that these programs -> Google Sniper, member at WA, and NB2, provide all the education one needs to be successful. Two other programs that could be purchased would include Market Samurai and SENuke. One is a very good keyword research tool and the other is an awesome link building program.

I'll update this again in a couple of days after the Saints kick ass.

My goals for the next 2 weeks

     Finish NB2 training course

     Get 2 stores online making at least 5 sales in each

     Add some content to the guitar websites


P.S. If people want to bitch in the forums, let them because it's a fun read and I'm sure it feels good to blow off steam. 





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