Posts by Davidsharp 2
 The end of a year is always a great time for reflection and one of the small exercises Jane and myself do every year is to make a list of all the people who have helped or influenced us the most. This is my list and I thought it might be interesting to share. Jane Sharp, my wife, soul mate and life partner. We are each others rock and nobody supports me more. Jane for letting me spend those thousands of dollars, on this internet dream of mine, before actually making money - thank you. Tis
June 26, 2010
OK so what is awesome? Well as many members of Wealthy Affiliate University already know just about everything here is awesome. But, being more specific I am talking about the new 'Blog and Funnel' system that has just been rolled out here at W.A.. I committed my domain name to this system and had my site up and running within a few minuets, then I spent approximately half a day going through the site and changing the content slightly to make it a bit more to my liking and added an about me page
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