About DavidY
Joined March 2009
Hey All :) My name is David and I am 27 yrs old. I live in Florida where the SUN is always shining ;) (Not really, it rains alot also) .
I have a Masters in International Business Management and speak 4 different languages fluently. I joined WA mostly for the education, but I am not ruling out the fact of making money using these techniques. I have no idea what to do yet and what to expect but I am expecting promising results.

I usually play music in my spare time, Guitar and Piano but I am not a musician it is just a hobby. I also enjoy the beach and parasailing.
Riding a bike is a complete stress killer to me, If you have not tried it, You should!! :)

Oh you are probably wondering what I am doing here since I have an 8 year education and a vast knowledge of languages...Well, RECESSION says it all. I got laid off and and then the company I worked for went out of business. I found other jobs but the pay was not competitive, thus me joining this site hoping for the best... :)
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
TJ Books Premium
Hi, David! Well, you can sell in five languages. I think you really speak five languages not four but I'm only guessing you did not include English. You have a fantastic background. Now don't let it get into your way. Get to know the members to learn even more. John
Optima Premium
HI David, welcome to WA !! I also recently joined Wa and hope to make money online. I just started week 1 of the program and i'm very pleased so far. Like you i am not really sure where to start but with time and hard work i'm sure everybody can do well online.....

Anyway, welcome again David

Optima Premium
Hey David, I am from Montreal , Canada !!
DavidY Premium
Hey Ron,
Thanks for the Message. Yeah I know I am kind of overwhelmed. There is alot of info in here and in order to do this thing right is just learn and understand but dont exhaust yourself. :)
Where r you from?