About Ddanielle
Joined September 2008
My name is Danielle and I am 29 years old. Almost at the big 30!!! Don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing? I guess I will find out when the time comes. I am originally from Miami, Florida and moved to Nashville, Tennessee last July to stay with family after falling into some serious financial problems. I work at Sprint/Talk-Wireless as an Assistant Manager where I work about 65-70 hours a week. I have finally built myself back up and I plan on moving back to Delray Beach, Florida in December. I started out buy buying some "make money doing e-mail processing and earn $500 a day" bull and fell onto this website after about 3 weeks of researching internet marketing. I finally joined and I am ready to make money and be successful. My goal is just to be able to pay bills and spend time with my 11 year-old-son, instead of working 65-70 hours a week. I am motivated and I hope that other WA members will give some advice on where to start first. Much Success and Happiness to Everyone Out Their!!! :-)NOW I AM 30!!!! DAMMIT MAN!!!
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Clive Byron Premium
Hi Danielle,
If you start putting those kind of hours (65-70) into IM you've got to see some kind of a result. I hope things work out for you here. I've only been here for a month but I've learned lots of stuff in that time. There's some really good people here who will help you. The Forum is full of generous people! I probably can't help you too much, but feel free to ask. Good luck
Clive Byron Premium
In fact, have some gold. Anyone who works that many hours deserves some help.
Clive Byron Premium
Hey Danielle,
How you doing? It's been a while since I heard from you.
ddanielle Premium
Hello...Thanks for the gold...That was sweet! Had a day off and did absolutley nothing.. but while I'm at work for the next 11 hours I will be back into studying the WA training course. I feel like I should already know what I want to market and how but I dont... Well good luck!!! I will speak to you soon! :-)
ddanielle Premium
Hey sweetie! How are you doing? I have been working my butt off and I am now at the point where I am completely frustrated and I am stuck. I put up a website and decorated in Christmas theme which feels like yesterday and now I have to take it off. I tried to rush for the holidays and even tried PPC which got about 150 clicks a day but now sales so I paused it because I did what everyone told me not to do and used a broad keyword...Naughty Naughty!!! I figure I would work on my weight loss website because of new years resolutions coming up and then start making my other one better. I wont give up just get fustrated. How is your business going and do you have any advice for me...I feel like although I have read and studied, I only know about 1/4 of what I need to know.....:-) Stay in touch and Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays!!!!!!
DkWinter Premium
Hey Danielle, it sounds like things are going well for you and you realize the potential of the things you will learn at Wealthy Affiliate. Stick to it and you will be able to reach your goals. If article writing is the route you are taking you should sign up for Travis' free course(if you haven't already) at www.bummarketingmethod.com He is the master at using free methods to make money. If you ever need help don't be afraid to ask in the forums or pm the members. We will help with what we can. Good luck to you.
ddanielle Premium
Hey there thanks for the response....Yeh....I just wish I would have saved myself some time and joined WA alot sooner. I haven' made any articles yet I am planning on starting that tomorrow. As far as the websires go, I would love to make one but I dont know how yet so I think the best thing for me to do is just take it staep by step and choose a couple of marketing steps to do in each weekly tutorial and improve on them as I move further down the chain of knowlege. I added you to my buddy list so keep in contact...Its nice to have friends to talk to and get encouragement from...
robbied Premium
Got any sites? let's see em :)
robbied Premium
Hehe, yes article marketing is key! So important to everything I've achieved. Blogs work best for me too. Send me a PM anytime. Keep me posted on your success
- Rob
robbied Premium
Send me a PM with your article link and I'll check it out
robbied Premium
Hi! Yes it's going AWESOME! check my profile for my update - Rob
ddanielle Premium
Hello there!!! Nope no sites yet. I am going to work on them tommorrow. I thought I would start with article marketing since I understand that with the errors I have made. I don't really have the money to do PPC yet, and I dont know what else their is yet since I am only on the beginning of week 2, but I will be more than happy to show them to you when I get them up. I added you to my buddy list if thats okay. YOu can never have to many friends!!!! :-)
ddanielle Premium
Helo so I made up my first article on usfreeads the other day and have done 4 more since. I did an article on WA, which I am sure everyone so I doubt it will d that great, but after 3 hours it posted on the 2nd page of Google. Is that good? The ones above mine are mainly from Kyle and Carson, which they are experts at this...But if you get a chance take a look at it and tell me what you think...It's my first one so be gentle....google- "the wealthy affiliate program" and mine is on the top of page 2 written by usfreads. IF YO WANT??? Talk To you soon :-)
ddanielle Premium
Hey there! How have you been. Look at you with the gold earnings..You Go Boy!!! I have not talked to you in awhile and I just wanted to say hello and see how everything has been for you. How is the IM going? Have you met your goal yet. I have been working on it and I am taking my time with my website. Talk to you later.
ddanielle Premium
Hey I have a question that I need the answer to. I learned how to put wordpress on my website, which is the last and final thing before my 2nd website is finished. I got into the hosting account on WA and clicked install site, hit next and when it went to install it stopped and said this" The site application requires the resources which are not currently available" Do you know what that means and how to fix it.????
Drew Premium
"if you visit it, be sure to click on every ad you see (one under my pic and 2 at the end of the site) those are my google AdSense and I get paid for each time someone clicks. If you set one up, let me know and I'll go click them for you!"

Oh Lord...

Absolutely awful idea.

Sorry to get involved in your conversation, but I saw it on the WA spaces homepage. Google Adsense has one of the best fraud detection teams. You WILL get banned. My account was banned several years ago and they STILL haven't let me reapply. I had to file a legal business name and new mailing address in order to sneak past their security.

Anyway... PLEASE... Neither of you click on each others' ads.

ddanielle Premium
Ok...I didn't know it was like that...but good looking out...I wont do anything to jeopardize my IM, but I will click on her ad once and that is it..Just for good luck....
mightyone Premium
Yo; welcome to the WA show...now gets busy Danielle
ddanielle Premium
Hey mightyone! Thanks for the welcome as well. Besides working 65hours a week, I spend about 5-7 hours a day studying, reading and taking notes from the WA 8 week lesson plan. I am determined to make a nice income with WA so thats all I do is stay busy