Maybe I'm Just Too Nieve?

Last Update: August 30, 2010

I truly am enjoying my road  to becoming a successful Internet Marketing Professional here at WA.This is not about WA but IM in general.

If there is one aspect of IM I can't quite understand or perhaps better put saddens me, is the number of folks who send out emails knowing full well that it contains flat out lies.

I understand crafty marketing but some of the offers to succeed or garbage automated email copy that get's distributed is troublesome. 

I know when you opt in to a list you get what you asked for but where is the decency by some of these folks.

Is there no shame in making a sale? 

I hate to say this but I hope the more ethical and honest marketers rise to the top and replace the unethical ones.





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jatdebeaune Premium
You and me too. I don't like to be manipulated either. Is that really good marketing when it is so annoying and so transparent? There are those who say it works. Must be working on someone, for why else would marketers spend the time writing that copy and automating it. Doesn't work on me. Straight and direct works on me, and I like to know "how much" without having to scroll to the bottom. Cliche now.