A little Bit Too Much

Last Update: December 13, 2010

Hmm... I'm stuck with a tiny little problem here, I have just Too much Ideas in my head which results in overwhelming feeling. 

 The problem is that I don't know where to start or actually where to stop !! If it was just about me I would be designing 15 website at the same time and spend probably 20 hours per day in front of the computer doing IM and stuff, but I can't and it makes me feel kind of guilty for not having enough time to do what I really enjoy to do !!

 I just have to be more concentrated on smaller goals I guess and don't take it too much seriously, I know that negativity attracts negativity as Money attracts money so my resolution is:






ps. I sound a little bit depressed in my post, I WILL change that !! :)



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Labman_1 Premium
You are just finding one of the early problems so many ideas, so little time. Keep plugging away. One thing at a time. Break your tasks down into little successes. Keep plugging away and in no time at all everything will be done and you can move on to the next thing.