Snowed in so Digging In

Last Update: February 01, 2011

Buddies and future buddies,
It's a snow/ice day here in Indy. Even my dog didn't want to play this morning. In the picture I uploaded she did her business and scrambled for the door inside. Usually she wants to run across the pond and visit the neighbors dogs. Anyway, I am off work and wanted to take a minute to update my blog and say hello. Then it's on to my article marketing studies, so I can work toward the certification WA offers.
My site hasn't generated a sale yet, but that's because I have SO much work yet to do with it. Thanks again to the several of you who took the time to check it out and provide feedback. I'll be incorporating the ideas and tips as I get time and I am sure it will pay off.
Anyway, right now I am going to focus (hard to do here, there's so much to learn) but I AM focused and motivated today.

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dgmills Premium
6 ft drifts. Wow. I feel much better now here. I have had friends from Chicago and have heard horror stories about the winters. Great place to visit but personally i wouldn't want to live there :-) I went to the sail boat show a few years ago with some buddies. The navy Pier was cool but in February I stopped to get gas and My brain froze before I could get a half tank. And my buddies thought it funny to lock me out of my car. Ouch. Thanks for stopping by and saying hi, I look forward to reading more about you in your posts. Stay warm! Snow shoveling can wait. Cheers, Dano
dec944 Premium
I'm in the Chicago burbs. I will have to ditch work today as I have 6 foot drifts against my front door and garage door. We went out the back door which has less than six inches on the patio and had to dig a shoulder high tunnel on the side of the house to the front. The drifts are amazing. I actually have some blank spaces and then 6 foot drifts. It's like The Shining. It's going to be a long day. The roads are all shut down anyway, so I'll just dig and call it a day off. I'm happy for anyone who can get a little focus today. For all impacted, stay safe.
dgmills Premium
Hi Reginald. Thanks Mostly it's snow here and easier to drive than I thought it would be. I come from the southeast, BTW I worked in Dalton for shaw carpets for a while and had some family in Norcross, But growing up we wouldn't leave home for days when the snow and ice hit. Ice is the worst and deadly down south. Anyway, Cheers and wish you continued success here. Dano
reid1 Premium
The Atlanta area got ice, sleet, and snow about three weeks ago. I know exactly what your going through. It was a great time to indulge myself into IM.