About Diddit
Joined December 2008
Hiya, I am new here - joined a few weeks ago now but I am still in the overwhelmed stage!

To tell you a bit about me - I haven't done a lot so far, I went to University in Scotland (my home) and then England, and studied to become an Architect. The whole thing took me 8 years and almost immediately after qualifying I realised that its not the job for me. I think I knew for a lot longer really but I just didn't want to give up. I really don't like quitting!

So anyway after my realisation I decided to pack it all up and go on a journey around the world - live the dream! I've seen so many wonderful things and experienced such a lot. Its really been so valuable to me in so many ways and soooo much fun too! :-)

I'm still away from home but I have stopped for a while and I live and work in New Zealand. I met my boyfriend and when it came to go, I couldn't leave! So here I am on the other side of the world. Its wonderful in so many ways and its a beautiful country with so much on offer. I couldn't find a job as an Architect tho, its been really hard and then there is the problem whereI don't really want to start at the bottom and work up because I don't really love the job.

Ideally I want to find a way to work from home so I can enjoy life as well and hopefully I can make a good income so that we can go travelling again. There is so much of the world left to see and now I have found someone I want to see it with too!

I am really excited about joining WA and I hope that I can start to get my head around things and start making some money and having some fun :-)

I'd love some buddies, I'm sure I'll be needing you when I start to have questions!

C Ya x
Diddit's Accomplishments

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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
krafty Premium
Hi Diddid :) Cool, we joined the same day. I am also keeping a journal of my progress and goals in the blog section. I will make sure that I drop by off and on to read your blog entries.

krafty Premium
I just dropped by to say hi, was reading your blog, sounds like you are loving lenses. I am trying to add more and more each week also.
diddit Premium
Hey, thanx for the message :)
I just dropped by to read your blog - you have been busy!
diddit Premium
hey congratulations on your first sale! I am still needing to get myself a kick up the backside!
klrrider Premium
Hello and welcome to WA. Be sure to update your profile and introduce yourself in the forum.

click the pics to reply and get buddies!
diddit Premium
Hey, Thanx for the welcome msg last week. :)

I have got my space set up (sort of - I think I'll probably have to re-do it later) and I am getting better aquainted with the site. I have been taking in so much information! Its quite overwhelming at the start.

Anyway I just wanted to say it was great to have a message.