About Djstone62
Joined April 2008
Hi Everybody,

I'm begining to feel that WA is one of the best things that I could have done. That is, if I wanted to truly learn internet marketing business. I'm looking forward to learning everything I can.

I'm new to internet marketing but I'm not new to the computer world. So, I will be talking with you in the forum.
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anupam498 Premium
hello !! Welcome to WA.. I am also a newbie. just read ur squidoo article .really wining the heart of every health conscious people. good writing sucking and attracting lots of mind.. the more important is that the topic starts with a question... good.. hope i will get support from u
djstone62 Premium
Thanks for the positive encouragement anupam 498. I'm finding out that by being with WA is really making this IM much easier to understand.

lrh1966 Premium
Hi djstone62, how are you?, I am at entry level in IM marketing, and will make it happen!!, look forward to chatting with you sometime, you were born the same year as my sister, 1962, that is what I gathered from your profile name with 62 at the end, I look forward to making this marketing profitable, from lrh1966.
lrh1966 Premium
Hi distone62, just wanted to say hi, and how is the program looking for you?, the year you were born, 1962 was the year the Beatles started there recording career, if that is of any interest to you, just music trivia history, I hope I am not making you older than you might actually be, I am going by your name with 62 at the end, that is how I did my name, with 66 at end for the year I was born in, actually, you look my age, or younger. I am focusing on getting article marketing going as a free means of getting online exposure, than will use PPC when it is prime time for me to do so, look forward to chatting sometime on in depth ideas for getting into profit within the next 5 months if possible, friends always...lrh66
lrh1966 Premium
Hi distone62, how is your bum marketing going so far?
lrh1966 Premium
Hi Distone62, I am taking it in small pieces, the info here is VERY CREDIBLE, not the hype you would find in a "get rich quick-easy money" TV infomercial, or an MLM business model, they tell you here that it takes work, and that is why I respect there business model here, it is not 100% perfect either as nothing is, but it does align to the way I prefer to market without having to be live on phone with prospects, and no cold calling of anyone, plus with this business, you also don't have to be one on one with customer at the moment when they are purchasing from your site, as they can be purchasing while you are sleeping, or working at a job(until you get WA to replace that job?!), hope to visit soon sometime, friends always.
lrh1966 Premium
Hi distone62, I haven't chatted lately, how are you doing?, I hope well, you deserve it!, I look forward to visiting with you sometime on getting the marketing to the next level!!!, IT WILL HAPPEN!!!, friends always, Lloyd.
lrh1966 Premium
Hi Distone62, I am still here, I had to deal with some issues that took me away for a bit, but I am getting back into things here with WA, and marketing, how is it going for you so far?
lrh1966 Premium
Hi DJ, I just got done going through your sites here, you are NOT 60, 30-35 looks more like your real age, you are doing something right, and you seem to have a very kind heart from what your image and writings project, I hope everything is going well with your marketing, as I am still gearing up, I have some major house fix up tasks to tackle this summer, and plan on being back into marketing more intensely by fall...friends always, Lloyd.
lrh1966 Premium
Hi DJ, how is your IM going so far?
lrh1966 Premium
Hi Desmond, how is the marketing going for you so far?
lrh1966 Premium
Hi djstone62, have you looked into the Accreditation programs at WA?, I just signed up for the article coarse, and it seems to stream line the flow of assignments more orderly and efficiently, you may consider registering for them?
lrh1966 Premium
Distone, I just got done visiting with another WA member who has been in for a year and half, and is using the PPC method, and not having very good conversions like you are not with articles, so it might not be the method of choice that is wrong, what I noticed in both situations is that there are to many niches that you are trying to tackle at once it looks like with the 8 links you have here, you might be better off focusing on one industry(one of those choices, or another), and just try marketing to that specific one for the next year, or so, and than when that gets into profit, add another one, and also maybe study one of the accreditation classes here?, I hope this helps somewhat...Lloyd
djstone62 Premium
Hi Irh1966,

I'm in my first week and it's beginning to make sense, some what. I started with Bum Marketing by Travis. http://www.bummarketingmethod.com/
djstone62 Premium
Hi Irh,

I've written some articles but it is taking EzineArticles about 7 days to publish them. Plus I'm trying to do the 8 week course. It's so much info. I'm trying to get my squidoo lenes rated. There's not enough hours in the day.
djstone62 Premium
Hi lrh1966,

Man I've learned a lot . I still got some things to learn but I'm getting there. Every time I try to go back through the 8 Week Action Plan, I get side tracked. Take care.
Maz Premium
Hi djstone62
Just dropped by to say hello and thank you so much for the gold, bless you!
Best wishes
Maz Premium
Hi djstone62
Thanks for the compliments! It means a lot to me when someone likes my work. Still waiting for my first sale. I like your lenes and sites too, you have done lots of work, have you made any sales?
djstone62 Premium

Your lens and website looks very professional. I like the layout format. Great job!
kevinng Premium
Hi djstone62, welcome to WA. Bum marketing is a real great way to start out. The keyword research skills will carry through to PPC too. Anyway, glad to have you here. All the best to your marketing.
djstone62 Premium
Hi Kevin,

Thanks for the encourging intro. This is my first week and it's making sense thanks to WA.
Pajama Income Premium
Hi DJ, Welcome to WA. I tried to visit your sites but your links would not clik thru
djstone62 Premium
Hi Pajama Income,

My links are working now. I tested them myself this time. I learned how to build two squidoo lens from a free affiliate marketing Ecourse from Todd Alan at http://www.squidoo.com/LongTailTreasure He is a member of Wealth Affiliate also. It was pretty easy.
djstone62 Premium
Hi Pajama Income,

I haven't written in a while because I've been trying to turn my efforts into a profit. I can see things a lot clearer now, since my head is above the water.

I just wanted to thank you for your encouragement when I first started, I was at a lost! How are things working for you with WA?