When 'dumb' meet smart magic can happen

Last Update: July 26, 2010

I was never the smartest kid in the class but never far away from the most brave and determine, when I started the Wealthy Affiliate University affiliate  training program all was going well, worming my way through the training and taking action, I did all that was ask, follow up on all the exercises, researching keywords and with a long list of a niches ideas, apparently most new marketers nightmare, for me I had too many ideas.  sometimes people new to internet marketing training need that reassurance that they are doing the right things, so how do you know you are doing all the right things and on  your way to making money online, you reach out and ask for help, I can’t stress this enough, of course you will have to take action, but people are encourage by persistence and determination, I recently reach out to one of the more experience members here at the wealthy affiliate university and now I’m in the process of setting up my WA blog funnel and writing blogs, you can bet that I have just cut my learning curve by two to three year and just into my second month here at WA.  Here are some other things you can do to get smart quickly.

  1. Read commentaries from other blogs and lessons often there are answers to questions you are afraid to ask.
  2. Don’t only read the main post and first commentary, I know time is limited but I found good answers that made me took action in the earlier commentaries.
  3. Always take notes, when you are given advise and set a time to act on them, there are times in you action plan when you may meet a stumbling block and you feel the world is falling apart but there is always the next important thing to do.
  4. When giving feedback to a blog post or lesson don’t just say ‘Great post’ or thanks all good but add something more, your contribution will be highly appriciated.
  5. Write a blog post a great way to get feedback, network and test your understanding.


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