Posts by Docoparco 6
July 01, 2012
Life is living and learning from our experiences. As we live and learn from our experiences, sooner than later, we come to the realisation that one of the undisputable ironies of life is that: Good judgements come from bad experiences and our best judgements are from the worst experiences!
November 25, 2010
It is good to TAG every act of kindness by expressing and showing thanks, appreciation and gratitude. Let us give THANKS, to highlight appreciation noting kindness shown. Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends.  
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November 11, 2010
 All his life's dream All the years of hard work Tiresome and strenuous labour All that he had worked so long to achieve Is now fading quickly Before his unbelieving eyes In a dreadful tormenting nightmare He stands helpless, watching The fading of dreams and success Retreating from his world As the fire slowly devours The last remnants of his house.....                     by  D  
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November 03, 2010
      The ART of life is an Awareness Reflecting Truth. We can learn and understand so much more about human nature and behaviour by having a close, deep, honest and sincere scrutiny of ourselves. In evaluating our past experiences (all experiences are past), and present circumstances: our aspirations, achievements,disappointments,decisions, desires, dreams, feelings,emotions, passions, purposes, pursuits, mistakes, misfortunes, tragedies, triumphs and victorie
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October 26, 2010
  A base is the Bottom of Any Structure or Entity and is Built As Supporting Entity or Built As Strategic Entity. Without a solid base or firm foundation a structure will not be stable or even last. This does not only relate to the construction of buildings but is also applicable in, or can be extrapoliated to, all spheres of life. The principle of a solid base acquires even greater importance in education, whether academic, practical or in skills training. Education is life long l
October 19, 2010
                         Six Golden Goals                (Given Objectives to Achieve in Life.) Hope! and Have Optimistic Projections or Expectations Aim! to Aspire, Inspire and Motivate Ask! And Seek Knowledge Act! After Careful Thinking Try!  Test Run Yourself Love! Life Otherwise Very Empty! &nbs
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