Why I FAILED in 2009...

Last Update: December 23, 2009

Headed to Florida in a few hours so I figured I'd take some time now to get this off my mind... I FAILED in 2009...

Statistically, I'm actually far from failure. In fact, I made significantly more money than I expected to make. But I'm just not satisfied this year... Not even close to like I was last Christmas.

Last year I WORKED MY ASS OFF to achieve what I did... With that came a great feeling of accomplishment...

But this year I just didn't get that same feeling. I actually feel like quite a failure right now. There was one goal I made last year that I blame for my failure:

  • Find 5 completely unfamiliar niches and start from scratch.

Ok let me break this one down and explain why it was such a terrible mistake.

First of all, unless you are completely (and I mean completely) dedicated to marketing, there is no way in hell a single person can research five different niches in one year and learn enough to fully complete five new campaigns – Each one presented and promoted well enough to be perceived as a reputable website. If your visitors don’t think you know what you’re talking about… Well, they’re not going to be buying anything from you.

In retrospect, I would have made SO much more money if I had just expanded my reach in the niches I know the most about instead of trying to take on a dozen new ones.

I have two sites that are great and make me a ton of money… I have about five sites that make a small amount of money. I have about 20 sites that are sitting dormant because of my “scattered interests”

Scattered Interests = Waste of time and money!

The point of this blog: One perfect campaign is better than a bunch of half-assed campaigns. Just something to think about…

 Merry Christmas and Happy holidays! :)


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Ridgydidge Premium
I feel thats the way I'm heading. I really need to focus my efforts in one place. Good Luck for 2010! Merry Christmas
EverGreenGirl Premium
I've been following you for a long time Drew, and that's a good piece of wisdom you left on your blog. It's definitely a good lesson for all IMers to learn!
Best wishes for 2010!
Louise M. Premium
You are so right Drew ! That's what I tell all the newbies asking me if I think that promoting weight loss programs is a good idea.. :)

Good post ! Thank you.
idm Premium
I'm guilty of the same thing. Having too many choices tends to give me analysis paralysis. If I can just pick one and stick with it there's more than enough directions to take with it.
jlandry Premium
Drew I'm a newbie here at WA and Internet Marketing You just brought a new perspective on what I need to do. Cause I can be a scatter brain myself. Lately found myself all over the place and wondering why it's not quite working for me. Just wanna say thanks