Posts by Dustinb 3
April 06, 2011
Grumble is about all I can say about this last month. Ehhh, oh well, keep chugging along and eventually you'll succeed :D
1 comment
 Sooo...I've been a member of WA for a little over a year. In that year I haven't really been able to get much done due to the time constraints my traditional jobs put on me, I had a schedule of working both coming home, logging into WA for 15mins to a half an hour and learning what I could, go to sleep, rinse and repeat lol. Well I am happy to say that in that year, even though I haven't been able to take much action, I have learned the fundamentals and am ready to hit the ground running.
I'm just starting with the training. I have to say that even with the many things I've done online,this part of online business is completely new to me. I'm sure I'll grasp it and run with it given time. Have to make sure I take my time to do it right though.