
Last Update: July 27, 2010

So I have been apart of the WA community for a little over a month and finally its starting to come together. I must give kudos to Pot Pie Girl--she is absolutely sensational! I love reading her posts/blog--it feels as if she is standing right there talking to you! If you have a question she has it covered :)

The number one rule everytime I decide to tackle IM education is to stop making everything so COMPLICATED. I now tend to absorb the info, sit back and think about it. Rationalize it,if you will.  I write a small journal of what I've learned and start organizing it and alas!! the big picture is now being sewed at the seams! The pieces are starting to fall into place.

Remember the road to any goal is not EASY. If they were easy it would be boring :D If I believe in myself I can do ANYTHING.



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prinker Premium
Hello! I've been with WA about the same amount of time as you, actually I think we might have the same join date :). I must admit, I'm a Pot Pie Girl follower myself, did The Dam Way and then moved onto OWM plan; I haven't had any monetary success yet, but I've had a lot of clicks and rankings. There are also many other great WA members that have helped me with questions or suggestions when I needed them. I'm going to add you as a buddy and maybe we can learn together.

Elizcw Premium
Liked your post, it's so true..... overtime what you focus on all comes together. Bit by bit, piece by piece the puzzle becomes the picture.