About Eloise
Joined June 2009
Hi All

WA is Super. Me and my family live in South Africa. I am a mother of two and married to my best friend. I enjoy life, and love to help others. I have made good friends in WA. At this moment I am so behind schedule that I will rather update this later......

Till later............
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mness882 Premium
Welcom Eloise, Im Luis nice to meet you. Im also very new to this and hope to learn a lot while im here. Good luck with your studies. Take care
Eloise Premium
Hi Luis
Nice to meet you. I really enjoy WA, and are really glad I discovered them quickly. I stumbled around for a few days but are relieved with all the info @ WA. Well stay positive and may the force be with you!
zuoguanggao Premium
Hi, I am in Tissa's program too. But there is no result. That is why I am here to learn. How about you?
I made some in google adsense, commission junction...Tissa's program, I made $137. After that, no one comes.
zuoguanggao Premium
You lens in Squidoo is great. Tried to make more friends?
I paid Tissa two months until they said it was my fault. My $137 was made but I never got it because I haven't reach $200. At the beginning, I was in google adword, did ppc compaign, that worked. But after a while, it didn't work anymore. I tried very hard for the presell page. But it didn't work. I have 5 people in GDI and they never develop anyone for me. That means I have to develop more until I find 5 good people. The good part about his system is that I get to the door to the affiliate marketing. I made some money in google adsense and I made 100 blog with different topics. Google found me and they put ad in my blog. I made some in commission junction too. But I don't know how did I do. Ha Ha Ha... That is why I start to learn. I am reading "RAIT" now.
zuoguanggao Premium
Hello Eloise, How is your squidoo going?
zuoguanggao Premium
Hello Eloise, Do you mean you are on top of google? which site you are writing? I got rejected from ezine and goarticles, hub too. Only work on squidoo. Just clicks no sale yet. Have you had sale yet?
Eloise Premium
Hi WA Friend
Yes I also joined the (Tissa Goddavitante ?) programme and didnt even make any commission. I figured if they advertize you for a month free they are going to throw you back in the ocean and decided to cancel immediately. I think to be affiliate can be draining hard work and also a lot of fun. You have got a lot of sites! I am not remotely even there. I only made my first actual real squidoo lens. Please tell me what you think of it!
I know I must change the title and put some work in to it. With what are you currently busy?
From a WA Friend
Eloise Premium
I still need to cancel my GDI!!!!!! I tried to get information to write articles etc.. it was in vain. That is when I realized that I think they want to make their commision on you and me and after that is done it's tickets! I am actually dissapointed in people trying to wipe out other people! Well one good thing did come of it. Wealthy Affiliate!!!!
I am slowly but surely starting to feel more comfortable every day. I need to do still much more like deciding on which products I want to make Landing Pages. Oh boy it is difficult to get a product that suits my knowledge. I dont want to start anything before I dont have a decent Product! Does that sound crazy?
Enjoy your day!
Eloise Premium
Hi, how are you?
Eloise Premium
Your'e real estate investor file is empty, are you paying someone to host all these sights for you?
Eloise Premium
It's going, got indexed on top can you believe that. Putting all my efforts in my website at this moment. Getting all my links cloaked etc... How are you
DavidSchmidt Premium
H Eloise, I joined on June 1, so I consider myself quite new to this as well. How is everything going so far? Welcome!
DavidSchmidt Premium
So far I am very impressed with the quality of information to new people starting this business. You have the 8 week plan, the learning center to start with. I would go the the share zone (button to zone is at the top of this site) and you will see some pdf guides that are just for us new marketers. I found some excellent step by step info in there. There are also some great threads to read in the forum written by people who have success and they answer other marketers questions, which may be good becase we might have the same questions :) Also get potpiegirls tutorial on making a squidoo (article) Send me a message if you need help. I know its alot but there is so much to this biz too :)
DavidSchmidt Premium
Hi Eloise, great to see you again! I am actually doing very well. Finishing up week 3 here and got a few solid campaigns up and running. My love advice site on my home page is starting to grow really quick but I need to fill it up with variations of products and more articles. Never enough time! lol How are you coming along?
Eloise Premium
Hi David. I am reading alot and are starting with the 8 week plan. I am a bit confused but is sure that is normal. The topic of writing articles makes me nervous. But I am sure they will explain it all in great detail? How do you find it so far?
Eloise Premium
Hi, How are you keeping up?
dave-min Premium
love the picture good luck with your first site ( baby rubix) hope it goes well for you
Eloise Premium
Hi Min
Thank you. I am South African and my sister lives in New Zealand. How are your campaigns going?
footbag_man Premium
hi there, welcome to WA.
footbag_man Premium
Hi, is this the web site you are concerned about dead links in http://www.moneysavingrecessionreviews.com/ ? I can't seem to find any dead links in it. A little note on the site. It is a little messy up top. Try using size 2 Ariel font up top. If you want to have a welcoming note you should put it in red and only have it 3 lines MAX. Use my site as a layout reference if you like - www.wealthyaffiliate-reviewer.com

Also I am confused what you are promoting on this site. You've got "swimming pool cleaning products" "make money online products" "lower vet costs" amongst other products. I can't see this web site making any sales.

Don't worry, when I started I spent DAYS building a web site and it was terrible. We all start somewhere.

Ok the structure should be:

Your landing page (website) should have a top 3/5 review style on 1 niche. Here is an example - http://successathome.co.uk/sr/index.html

You then need to get traffic to your website by article marketing. You need to go back over this chapter in the 8 week plan if you dont know how to do it.

You also need to take a look at the color contrast of the text on your site. The colors are hard on the eye. There is a chapter in the 8 week plan on color contrasts.
Eloise Premium
Thank you for the welcome!
Eloise Premium
Hey, how are you. I want to pop a quick question, if I may. I have run sitemap over my site and they reported 6 broken links. Yesterday it was five. In Wa hosting and site rubix if the links are tested it works as normal. I want to get the bots over that site but if there is broken links!!!!! Do you maybe have any advise? Please!
Eloise Premium
Thank you very much for taking the time. My mission on the site is to promote anything that can save you money over the long run. The top part is def messy and confusing. Thank you once again and will do as you say.