1st Street Article Approved

Last Update: October 17, 2011

Just got my 1st article approved over at http://www.streetarticles.com after my 3rd attempt.

The process went well with my third edit, but it is now approved. Looks like these guys are really looking out for all of us not just their website. I felt bad when I saw it was rejected but they do give a reason and suggestions too. Which is very nice.

Great job at monitoring the process and keeping the integrity of the site by offering suggests.

Here’s a link to it;


The title is a bit long and may not be in the most appropriate category, but this was my first attempt at creating an article and publishing it on this site. I was more interested in the experience after hearing some people are having trouble getting their articles published.

I look forward to using this site more now that I think I got the hang of it.

If you have not tried it or if you did and had an article rejected I suggest try again and follow their suggestions to make your writing acceptable.

Thanks and Good Luck,



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