About Emmetmaude
Joined June 2010
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emmetmaude Premium
No - this is Brad - I didn't get your gmail reply. I am VERY interested in your response about how to get the html converted in the tool.

OK - your post was a great help --- BUT --- I watched four times and couldn't see how you added the hop link (which is HTML) in the USFreeAds middle tool. The tool page clearly says "this is not suitable for HTML". But I saw in your video that you DID add a html link in several places. Please tell me how you did that ! I have everything down but that. You fit the perfect part of my training - I need just some seed money that I can create when "thinking" instead of intently doing. Anything you can tell me will be most appreciated.

Anyway thanks for the exceptional work - it helped out a lot. I just need something to prime the pump and a few sales a week would be just that.

Looking forward to your answer ASAP.
emmetmaude Premium
That's "take it to the Bank - not back" I guess I stutter when I type ;-)
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi. Welcome to WA. Thank you for the invite. All the best to you.
Hi and welcome. Thanks for the buddy add. Let me know if I can help you.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family