About Eric Coggins
Joined August 2008
My mission is to promote the best possible life for all everywhere in the world.

I believe every man, woman and child is a masterpiece of God's own hand, created to be the special person's they are. As such, I have had the privilege to work with people from all over the world including African American, Latin American, Khmer (Cambodian) American, Korean, Japanese, as well as folks from Pakistan and India. From 2000 to 2006, my family and I lived in Cambodia from which we traveled periodically to Thailand and Malaysia.

As you can see, I have a beautiful family.
Eric Coggins's Accomplishments

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TJ Books Premium
Welcome to WA, Eric! You have made a wonderful decision to
Learn to Earn. This is the only place on the net that you get free
tutoring along with the lessons. You are never left on your own
here. I've been here for about nine or ten weeks. My income is
rising like seas from melting glaciers but as you go along and learn
more, the more money you make. It is a good feeling to know that
what you are doing is right and what you are doing is profitable. It
may take a while to really get going but read every lesson and do
every task, then go back and do it again. You Will Make Money if
you are devoted to making money and you use Kyle or Carson to
help you. Don't for get the Share Zone either. I put a tutorial there to help you make the most out of WA. Full Speed Ahead!
TJ Books Premium
AT last count, 32 GK, 2 GGK and a GGK on the way. We are in seattle t his week with our Number 4 Son's Family. He has 5 kids including triplets. WE have one daugter. John
TJ Books Premium
I'm mainly a writer and writers write, right? So I've been in IM for a long time with minor success whixh means hardly any success from gurus, or none at all, and some success on my own. If I had been able to join WA when I started long ago when Kyle and Carson were little boys, I would have made things happen much faster so I am catching up. I've increased my earnings because of Carson and he is still pushing me to get my ducts in order.
we are leaving Seattle this morning for points north or south or both as soon as we decide which. Johm
TJ Books Premium
Nine of our grandkids are adopted. I forgot to tell you that. John
TJ Books Premium
Your site looks great. It looks like you are still working on it. John
guitar fire Premium
Hi Eric wow another believer welcome to WA! I am an assoc. Pastor of a church in Wash. that reaches out to very needy people. I've been involved in three church plants and it was very exciting to read your profile. I have a friend here who has been the global director for World Concern for many years. This has taken him to the poorest people all over the world.
Wishing you every success,
Pastor Sandi
Eric Coggins Premium
Two months ago I began exploring Affiliate Marketing as a way to make some extra money to augment my current income. My personal philosophy is that a person should live, work and go to church in the same community. When we returned from Cambodia it was my goal to get a job close to home so I could live according to myphilosophy and be actively involved in my children's lives and our local church.

I confess that when I started I believed affiliate marketing was a joke and that many programs available online are a scam. However, for $50 and a 56-day money back guarantee, I thought why not give it a shot. After two weeks I was convinced I did not want to spend my extra time staring at a computer screen so I wrote to get my money back. To my surprise the company not only sent back the product fee but also the funds for the web hosting.

Before I asked for my money back, I did take a few minutes to watch a video by Travis of B.U.M. marketing. I followed some of his advice and began writing articles on ezinearticles. I already had a website and was already an affilitate of LinkShare. I placed an ad for Overstock.Com on my website. And I think the very day I got my money back from the other online program someone read my second article on ezine, clicked on my website and to my shock decided to purchased $3800 worth of products from Overstock.Com. I couldn't believe it.

Since then following Travis' advice I have posted 17 articles on ezinearticles and my second article still rides at number three and four on google for the four key words. My two furniture websites are also riding first on Google for the local Los Angeles market with very common key words including green office furniture los angeles and recycled office furniture inland empire. Even so, Iam getting very little traffic and making very little money. I came to Wealthy Affiliate because of the advice from Travis and because I need help making money with my sites.