My turn to rant

Last Update: June 06, 2011

I feel like I'm putting a lot of effort into this, and keep coming up against brick walls. I've tried 2 differenct niches, built 2 websites, written over 40 articles that have an abysmal click through rate, and of course have almost zero sales.

Maybe I'm not cut out for this...just don't know where to go from here. 

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onefineham Premium
Keep going. Here's why you're already nearly there.
Sherion Premium
I have also done 2 websites, and have 43 articles here and 6 and ezines and click through rate like you said is like real sad...I think that we have to wait and see what is going on with google and we don't get very many people here saying what they have made lately and also not very many success post either. But, I am not going to coat this over with chocolate. I am frustrated too. But, what else can we do but keep at it or we will never know.
Wayne Hudler Premium
Like Joan said we are feeling a slump from the Google changes. But I want to encourage you to press forward. To stay at the wheel and build an IM business that fulfills your original goals. Set backs are required before we can have a great come back!
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Evelina. The abysmal click through rate could possibly have something to do with the Google Panda algorithm, and where you have submitted those articles. Are you referring to "views" or "click throughs" to your site? SA is getting better results than the other directories right now. I feel confident the others will return, however. I'm happy to help if I can. Just PM me with a link to a couple of your articles. Two heads are better than one. Let's figure it out.
Think you're being a bit hard on yourself. Hopefully your forum post will attract some useful feedback. Sometimes admitting you don't have all the answers is the first step to getting those answers. I'm sure there are experienced IMers here who can lend a hand. Best Wishes, JR