About Fab75
Joined September 2009
Hi everybody
My name is Fabian and I am from Switzerland. I have been reading lots of ebooks and stuff about internet marketing but never started to do anything... But finally I started with Squidoo about a month ago and created some lenses. I try to learn as much as possible but sometimes it's just all overwhelming. I guess I have to do step by step and that's why I joined now WA, to learn piece by piece about IM and become successful.
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Gio Premium
Good choice on learning piece by piece of what Internet Markeing is all about. Wishing you all the best :)
klrrider Premium
Buddied up... keep in touch.
fab75 Premium
thanks, we will. Always good to have connection to some people who already have the success :-)
uridium Premium
Hey Fabian - What's up? Good to have you here. Het, does 75 mean you were born 1975?? Well, I was and just thought it would be a funny coincidence. Ok, well, see you around the forums - Phil.
uridium Premium
Yeah, good year, same year as Kiss's first album ha ha ha. Yeah, I know how it is with all the stuff you gotta read at first. I would advise you promote information products with free traffic at first, then branch into PPC, and then cretae your own products, that's why I did anyway. Shout if ever need any help / advice. Phil
fab75 Premium
Hey Phil
Yep, you are right :-) born 1975! Best year ever, huh?
Well, but I have a much longer way in front of me for IM :-) just started around end of this summer, and I'm kinda overwhelmed with all the resources, have already read too much and don't know where to focus.... But I'll find a way:-)
fab75 Premium
Phil, thanks a lot. I will definitely come back with some questions.....
fab75 Premium
I have read Squidoo profits and some other ebooks. What I do for SEO I have also in my lens on http://www.squidoo.com/search-engine-optimization-secrets
Right now I try to build lots of targeted backlinks..... My lenses rank quite well but most of them don't show up on the first google pages for my main keywords....
music_mom30 Premium
Hi! Welcome to WA :) If you need any help let me know.
music_mom30 Premium
Yeah that definitely takes some time to do, what are your methods for doing so?
fab75 Premium
Hi! Thanks a lot, I have thousands of questions :-) I have read really a lot about IM in the meantime and finally got it to start with Squidoo 1 month ago... still fighting to rank on googles first pages :-)
fab75 Premium
I have read Squidoo profits and some other ebooks. What I do for SEO I have also in my lens on http://www.squidoo.com/search-engine-optimization-secrets
Right now I try to build lots of targeted backlinks..... My lenses rank quite well but most of them don't show up on the first google pages for my main keywords...