About Felixthecatman
Joined May 2010
Hi, I'm 55 years old and live in Louisville, Kentucky. I'm a teacher and am also in the Army Reserve. I'm single, but always enjoy meeting new people. My hobbies include running, animals, and just doing fun things. I've been in Internet marketing less than six months, but am enjoying it very much. There is a lot to learn! Hope to meet some great people on here.
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felixthecatman Premium
Good morning everyone! Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I'm still looking for buddies since I'm new to WA. Let me know if interested. Would love to network with people.
frannycas Premium
Hey, how you going? I signed up a few days ago and I've already learnt heaps. I've got HEAPS of resources, so please feel free to ask me for help :D If you like you can check out my webpage...it's underconstruction, but you might find it helpful :) www.frances-castley.weebly.com :) for more help check out my space, and my blog! There are unlimited resources out there!!!
felixthecatman Premium
Good morning everyone! It's Saturday and I'm out in CA til Monday. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I'm still looking for buddies if anyone is interested. So much to learn at WA! I'm looking forward to going through it all. Hope to hear from some of you out there.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
felixthecatman Premium
Hello everyone! I'm so brand new I haven't posted my picture yet, but will in the next few days. I promise. I have a few months experience in Internet marketing, but there is so much to learn. Would love to have some buddies to enjoy the ride with. I'm 55 years old and I live in Louisville, Kentucky. Anyone interested in being my buddy? Looking forward to meeting some great people.