making a career out of WA

Last Update: August 06, 2012
Most of the time some of us confuse a job with a career. A career is something that we nurture for a gradually may be with a job till it becomes a life time profession.

So, like every other demanding career, internet marketing will not be left out. we need a plan of what we want to do and how we are going to do it. and this plan, have to include the four most demanding needs of every career which is Desire, time, idea, and funding.

Desire: I mentioned desire because first, because you couldn't have been in WA at first if u had no desire to be an internet marketer and you and i know that the need for this desire is very numerous. Even though i agree with you that internet marketing is very attractive after a while you would observe that you've started connecting a lot of meaning to this desire of your till it becomes something to pursue or build on.

Time: After this desire, comes your first investment which is time. this is very funny especially when you are already a worker, cos initially we usually think it is something u can give one hour a day, but after some time we realize that we just have to give it the best of our time to achieve results. Note that this does not mean staring in the computer all day it, it could even mean working a lot offline and doing the finishing on line just try to set your record straight.

Idea: when you have started investing quality time, gradually you will start enriching your subconscious mind, ideas will begin to connect and unfold, you put in today you update tomorrow and that is how it goes till you have fully subconsciously built your sixth sense

Funding: Like every dream and plan that will one day become a reality, it has to be funded. i could have said money, but i chose funding because of what use is money to your goal if it is not funding it and funding can be gotten from any channel. so, folks go out there and look for a source of funding for your goal and don't sit down and complain about money. you can get money online, offline or even through donation. you can ask Deby she goes to work like every other person 9am to 5pm and yet she still finds time to invest in WA she is doing a lot better than me and in fact she motivates me because she is also a mother and a worker.

Sorry if i crossed the line at some point but i'm just trying to be an honest contributor.

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georgejhaas Premium
Great post! Welcome to WA. Good luck in becoming a successful online marketer.
kendrick Premium
good post!
I think the same way! Like it.
firstborn Premium
Thanks Carson I'm glad u like it.
Carson Premium Plus