Almost Killed My Career in IM

Last Update: June 06, 2012
Well thats it I just about had it, over six months now and not as much as I thought to show for all my hard work. How long can you work and get nothing for it?

Google deindexed me and it was a big blow to my morale I must admit, I over came their deindexing and I was off the the races again.

A month or so later, my traffic drops like a rock on a mile high cliff. Enough of this crap, I put in alot of time to make this site and of course a bit of money also. I can only stand so much crap from anyone and google has made the blood boil for the last time.

They were my thoughts just a day or so ago, told the wife last night thats it I have had enough and it is time to give this adventrure up as nothing as the way of monetary gain has come my way. All I seem to get is slapped by google, I add to my web site quality content and figure that I am doing the right thing and still yet nothing.

My motivation for this work has all but slippped away....or has it really.

This may be the hardest thing most people have to do for them selves, look into them selves and take a real good look and make no mistake about it we are not without faults. These are the faults that keep you from success.

We alll have them and when others tell us about them our first reaction most of the times is, who the hell are you to tell me, I am sure we have alll been there, even if they are right it is hard to hear.

Therefore, I took a real good look at my IM efforts over the last six months and was brutaly honest with my self. At times I put in many hours and a lot of learning to get my site up and running and even ranking all to no avail.

As you may notice that I mentioned "at times" and that is really the real culprit hear...I thought I was being dillegent in my IM efforts all the time...but not really...I would take off like a bullet racing down the barrel of a gun just to get out and see what damage I could do..

Then I would sit and drag my butt for a while, letting what I thought was working well, take me for a monetary ride...guess what not happening...

I tell you I was ready to make my see you later thanks for the help blog today and leave it at that, go on to the next adventure...what I do not know...

Then I am reading the paper this morning and it all changes. Not to say Kyle, Carson and other members have not been saying this all along. Sometimes it takes a brick for some of us to actually understand what these words acutally mean..Do what you love and the money will come, add content your readers are wanting to read not just what you want to add..not just someones elses rehashed article...

This article was about a lady that had lost her husband or had somoe sorta of tradegy in her life and was force to make her way through life, long story short she opened up a book store, this is what she loved to do and had a real passion for it....

It was a success and she made her living from it and had a following of loyal customers, of course it was hard work and I am sure she spent many hours to get this business off the ground that lasted for years....sounds familar doesn't it...

Therefore when you get right disgusted with your achievements or lack of them take a look a real deep look into your actions were they what was needed to make a go of my case I wish I could say I put my 100% into IM all the time, but this is not so...did I follow all the suggestions I recieved,maybe just the ones that I thought were worth my time or had the time to do, shying away from many things I new nothing about.

Then I read an article like this that brings me down to reality, and gives me time to reflect on my it the actions that I took that did not work or was it my lack of action that made it not work...I think the latter

Be honest with yourself before you even start, look deep inside and make the commitment to go for it and not just 50-60% of the time...this is what we are being told here at WA do not look just for the monetary gain set up a on line business that you will grow with and in time it will get you through...

Only with the 100% attention to your goals will they they say any thing worthwhile does not come easy....or something like get the point

I have now a new commitment to my self (first priority) to continue and actually put in the 100% effort to make this work....then and only then can you say with complete honesty that you put your best foot forward....

Get your motivation where you can, be honest with yourself brutally honest, only you know who you really are...

I am back and not going anywhere to soon....thanks for listening to my ramblinigs..

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kyle Premium Plus
This is the point where most people would quit, but this is the "tipping point" for those that succeed as they keep on plugging away. You cannot get discouraged by your efforts...look how much you know now in a short amount of time, look at what you have built, look at how well you understand are making leaps and bounds of progress! The financial part WILL come.
fishing Premium
Yes I agree...I have learned so much since entering the WA University and I am sure my work will pay off in time....and Iam glad I am still here....but there are moments....thanks for your wordsd of wisdom...
kyle Premium Plus
Trust me, even when you reach what you determine to be "success" at this point, you will still have thoughts like this. Use them as motivation. If you can use this energy to continue pushing forward (turn it into positive energy), great things will happen. I have no doubts!
Telmari Premium
Great Post, fishing - I like what you said about giving it 100% because I think only when you open up and fully commit can you achieve the level of thinking and determination required to blow through every single obstacle to success. It's easy to kinda do something, but more difficult to say I'm fully into it - but the irony is that once you are fully into it, doing it and being successful will be easier and faster. Glad to see you didn't give things up - keep us updated on your success!
fishing Premium
Thank you for your will see me around for some time....100% really will make the difference....
StacyLM Premium
Whatever you do, don't feel alone. Many of us struggle with motivation, and with belief in the self, and the system. Life does get in the way, and there are times when we have no control over what it hands us, or how much time we have to devote to our life issues versus our desires for IM outcomes. At the end of the day, so much is about planning our time, and working out methods to manage it.

Plan. Organize. Execute. My personal motto. it isn't always easy, but nothing worth having every really comes easy. Congrats for deciding to keep on keeping on!

Best of luck to you!
fishing Premium
Thank you Stacy and I know motivation is not easy for most of us..that is why most settle for something else...This is not the first time that I have been disillusioned or unmotivated but it has been the worst of it...going nowhere...stuck with me...
jchilders Premium
I think everyone gets that feeling of defeat at the beginning when/if things don't take off like you want them to or how you expect them to. The key is to not give up. Learn from everything you do, whether or not it is successful, there is something to learn.

It's good to see you aren't giving up and that you identified where you need/can improve. Some people never get as far as you have in a year let alone 6 months.
fishing Premium
I am also glad that I am continuing on with IM, it was close and yes for sure we can learn so much from our failures. With out improvement how can we move forward...Thanks for your comments
fisheagle Premium
AM also guilty of not putting 100% effort in all the time! Sometimes life outside of a persons IM efforts can get you down as well!! I'm in this for the long haul and hope to see some real movement in the near future, but will press on regardless! Thanks for the post and best of luck as you press on!
fishing Premium
Thanks fish eagle, I am sure more of us could put in a better effort to get what we desire so much....and good luck in your adventures as well...
fishing Premium
I would just lilke to let all know that all my shortfalls for my site were my doing and perhaps not really listening to the folks I should have or taking the proper action...learn learn learn....