My Second Article Number 4 Page One

Last Update: August 16, 2012
Ok the first one worked quite well I thought at least as far as ranking it was ranked on first page of google in a day or less I was very impressed...give it a month or so and we will see what type of traffic it is getting from one article....

The second article has been launceh at 3:00 PM and I checked it at 3:34 and it was published 11 minutes earlier so 3:23 PM giving it 23 minutes to get rank and not just ranked today it goes straight ot page one

4th place in 23 minutes second article stats
Mthly searches 164 traffic 35 QSR 35 SEO 90....

Thats it for now, way to early to start any other stats at this moment, will get back toblogging as iget to ten articles and my trials and failures along the way so join me and lets see where this takes us....I think big places...
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BlueDot Premium
This is quite something - true reflection of a niche term or niche keyword - let us know how well your website converts - Good Job.
fishing Premium
thanks and I will...thanks for the comment
CallMeJustin Premium
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