Ideas for Articles

Last Update: May 14, 2012
Ok I know finding relevant material for an article is no doubt a daunting task, at least it can be.

So how do you write 5-10-20 articles on the same thing well at times it is not easy, I mean how much can be said about one item or one idea; some niches may be easier than others of course.

My best advice, what works for me 9 out of 10 times are the forums, I have written about this in the past but there are a lot of new folks here and I see these questions come up now and then. Join a few forums in your niche and sit back and get ideas from folks that use the product you are selling.

The best way to talk to a lot of like minded people at the same time, it is great and works very well.

My second choice is again nothing new and may even be in some training tutorials I am not sure but, google will let you know what folks are looking for when you type in your kw or niche. Google instant as you type in your niche it will come up with the latest searches containing your kw.

Enter your kw into the google search box and start by typing a letter beside it and see what comes up, this is most targetted to your kw search this is what folks are searching for. Not to your likeing the first letter try another and go down the alphabet and watch what google gives you.

Well, they are my go to get an article methods that I use, and they work just great for me, give it a try and I am sure you will find them quite useful.

These are not knew ideas that I just came up with, these are tried and trued methods that will work for amost any niche or maybe any niche you can come up with and need a article.

Therefore if you find your self just stuck and staring at a blank screen and nothing comes to you give these methods a try.

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Good stuff, Fishing! I will take your cues & run with them. I've used the Google Search but, until I read your article, I had forgotten about the incredible value of looking at Forums. Thanks for reminding me.
fishing Premium
I am glad you found use from the article....thanks for commenting....and yes the forums are just a great place to get all kinds of info...