About Florence
Joined June 2011
My name is Florence and I love spend time searching new things on the internet. WA is my new adventure and I am already liking it. I really hope to be around for long time.
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slayton1s Premium
Hello Florence. WA is definately a really cool and adventurous place you might say, especially for a cyber-security major like me. There's a lot to learn but
Here's my newbie guide for beginners;)
First Look at my websites for help and my blogs on what software I use. I've got it all listed. Then you need to start out buying a domain from 1and1 or Godaddy, make sure you set the hosting services
since Wealthy Affiliate is hosting it for you (3 max including sub-domains with $45).
Make sure you add the websites under the "Web Hosting" tab FIRST. Then go to WordPress express and install the theme/header which you can change later. Read http://www.ygosearch.com/seoblog/?p=5. so you know what it takes to rank a website. Also make sure you concentrate on 1 website for a long time before you attempt another one (50 street articles, lots of pages and at least 1 page with a lot of categories, etc... for better ranking) You can also add Google adsense later but I suggest hold off on that until your a little more experienced because you can get in a lot of trouble if you handle adsense incorrectly.
Then you can submit articles to Street articles, put hyperlinks on anchor texts with keywords that have high article power pertinent to your sales.
Keep your website(s) updated, learn from this website, ask questions on the forums, and you can always get help from me.
slayton1s Premium
It's totally fine. You can always message me all of your questions on the top right too if you have a lot of them. It's hard to write in these little boxes. But a sub-domain is something you don't have to pay for even though it's 3 max for sub-domains AND root domains. So 1 root domain with 2 sub-domains is the most you can have with a $45 payment, which is probably what you are paying for since your a beginner (and that's all I suggest you pay until your making at least $100 a month or more). There are many directories for finding niches. One of them is on dmoz.org. I suggest starting out and using a niche from CLICKBANK. and then build your first website around a niche that interests you. But make sure you pick a niche that interests you because you will be doing A LOT of writing about it in Article Directories such as Street Articles and writing the pages and categories on your website. But yes, MAKE SURE you have only 1 narrowed down niche when you advertise it and then make a lot of pages and stuff over that 1 niche. Don't make the mistake of putting a lot of niches on your website because your setting yourself up for failure if you do that. Just "1" niche especially starting out. As for your domain name be smart about what you pick because once you buy it, it's bought. You can't change the domain name later. So make sure you go to the Tools and Research tab and then click on the Keyword Research Tool. This will give you pertinent information on the keyword power. If you want to read more about how that works I suggest reading thadbongs "100 article a month formula" post. Kyle and Carson are very general on what they talk about for the newbie guide so it's sometimes a little annoying weeding out the "write affective, be smart, etc..." end of it. Once you find a good keyword that relates to your article, buy that keyword and your ready to go. Next...a root domain is the domain that you actually buy from GoDaddy or 1and1. Sub-domains are domains you make within the root domain, which can be done for free. It's like this...say the root domain you buy is www.toodlyboo.com. An example of a sub-domain could be www.whois.toodlyboo.com. Hope that helps.
florence Premium
Hi slsyton1s, Thank you a lot for the advise. I am still looking around and quite confused. I am still unsure about the niche that I should take. I thought about hospitality wich is what I work with at this moment. I am pretty good at customer servise and so on... but I heard that you need to narrow a subject to find a good domain. In the first class Carson gave an example about waterproofkindlecase... and I don't know yet how I should arrive on this right name for my domain.. So, I didn't buy anything yet. And what is subdomains? It means that I can buy more than one domain and join it to WA? Sorry about my questions... I am totally new at it. I really appreciate your advise. Thank you again.
florence Premium
Thanks a lot. It's very helpful
chunkynonkey Premium
welcome and hello to the w.a. community!,i am sure you know we have people from all over the world, all walks of life- a real great group of positive minded people!
webkab Premium
Welcome to WA. There's lots of info on this site so don't let it blow your mind. Follow the 30 training offered here and also go to WAbinars and go to Affiliate Walk Through parts 1 & 2. There it will put it all together for you. I also suggest going to potpiegirls blog. She good. MUCH SUCCESS.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
florence Premium
Hi all !! Great to start a new adventure. Please let me know how to navigate in this sea and I will show you what I can do :)