Posts by Forkintheroad 5
  Several days ago, I posted my concerns about the wild claims being made with regards to this particular company. The following is an update to that post. WF family, if you are a marketer, choose your company and your product wisely. Do your homework!! Its about networking, not just numbers! *...******************************** D.N.A. Scam Alert Breaking News - Chris Greco is down 100,000 + Sign ups with D.N.A. ..... D.N.A. Breaks All Associations with Chr
Woohoo!  I just got a notice that my first paid article has been published!  I only made $5 but, hey, its a start!   Less than 2 weeks into the training.......The Wealthy Affiliate Rocks!   Check it my article : The New Normal - Going Gluten Free article/2901644/the_new_ normal_going_gluten_free.html
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April 13, 2010
I just looked at my Face Book and it saddens me every time I look at a post about someone's great business opportunity  that just had "8000 sign ups in 1 day" or touting that a business is "no work, no effort and you make millions in 30 days".    Granted you may get a check or two, but don't you just wonder about the solidity and validity of a business proposal that promises something for nothing?   Will that check keep coming?   &
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I hope this note finds you doing well. I'm sure are busy with your family and business and like me, you probably spend half your time in the car, with a cell phone glued your ear. I can't even remember what I used to do before I had a cell phone but today it is a necessary tool for family, safety and business. But, I'm sure that you know that many states and countries have banned texting while driving (as well they should) and some have even threatened to ban cell phone use in the car at all
Hello, My husband and I have our kids enrolled with Child Shield, USA and we thought it might be of interest to you. We are also blessed to be affiliates with the company. Yes, I'm with a wonderful business. However, my purpose here today is not to sell you anything. Today, I'm here to GIVE you a gift, a priceless gift for you and your family. Child Shield works whether your child is a newborn of college aged. $2000 In Free Child Safety Benefits For Every Parent The Free Child Shield USA progra